New Orleans (Prolouge - Short)

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My eyes open and everywhere I look is blurry, they slowly come into focus to see a bunch of vampires taking me to a large building. I stutter and slowly and painfully push out a sentence "what is this place" "The mikaelson compound love" I look to my right to see a man with dirty blonde hair, a tall ish figure and a british accent coming from around the corner, what I am guessing is his siblings follow close behind him. A dark skin, buzz cut and tall man comes out after them "who is this?" As i look up and see everyone staring at me a vampire says "Marcel, a tribrid!, we have to kill her, she-" Marcel interrupts him "I SAID NO CHILDREN" i shudder "go, all of you! and leave the girl" I look up at these three gorgeous girls, one with short and curly blonde hair and the other with long and straight blonde hair and one with brown straight hair pinned back. There is also a tall man with brown hair in a suit looking very sophisticated looking straight at me with a very confused and concerned face,  and that british, tall ish and dirty blonde man with the same facial expression and another man about the same age with fluffy brown hair looking annoyed.

Then two of the girls untied my hands from the chair and the man everyone was calling marcell knelt down "I am marcell this is, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Hayley, Rebekah and freya." as he points to them all,  they all wave at me "Who and what are you?" Elijah interrupts and questions me, I debate whether or not to tell these people and tilt my head down when Rebekah speaks "You can tell us, we won't hurt you" She reassures me. "I am Mia Laurier and I am the first original tribrid." they all look shocked as hayley says to the others "I thought hope was the first tribrid" they look back at me and Kol questions me "How old are you darling" I pause and reply reluctantly, "17" they look concerned as klaus comes closer "why are you here, where is you family" he calmly asks me, "I am not sure" i shudder "My aunt, this evil and old witch took me from my parents and my sister when I was nine to raise me, she used my power for her immortality, but I escaped from her " I don't know why I am exactly telling these people this but I may aswell, I need allies."But why did you come here?" Marcell moves closer and asks "Well on my locator spell this is the only area blocked from her dark magic, where she can not track me'' Freya looks shocked as she mutters "I cloaked new orleans from dark magic under a thousand spells how did she find new orleans" I shrug. "What was your aunt's name?" Elijah hits me with another question. "Dahlia" I reply, everyone gasps and looks shocked, "what? Do you know her" I asked cluelessly looking around at all the shocked looks painted on their faces, looking confused.

"She is our aunt and she is trying to take hope, Klaus and Hayleys daughter and use her like she used you" Rebekah answers me. as Klaus looks at her with a "why did you tell her" stare. I get up feeling weak as I think marcel's vampires slipped me some vervain or wolfsvain and say "do you know where the bayou is, my mother and sister are supposedly there" "what about your father?" Freya asks "I don't have much desire to reunite with him" I sharply say. Klaus turns his head and looks concerned at my statement about my father "It's late, Hayley and I are going to the Bayou tomorrow morning. How about you stay in the guest room tonight and we will take you with us tomorrow" Klaus says as after I mentioned my father he seemed to warm up to me. as Hayley nods at him. I shrug as marcell helps me up and hands me over to rebekah as she shows me to the guest room.

As I look around the room, my eyes following every indent and outline on the walls,rebekah interrupts my blank stare, "Why don't you want to see your father" she calmly and softly asks as she gently shuts the door, Even though I know very well the rest of her family can hear, I slowly start speaking "My father he um-" "hurt you?" Rebekah interrupts me, "yes, he did. And the rest of my family" I continue my sentence whilst Rebekah looks at me with sorrow "We ran from him when I was nine and he told Dahlia about my power and told her where My mum, sister and I were for punishment. The last time I saw my mother and sister was when Dahlia dragged me away from them when I was nine years old" I hear a sorrowful sigh from downstairs as I know the rest or Rebekah's family heard what I said with their supernatural hearing. As Rebekah puts her hand on my shoulder she pulls me into a hug

"You're safe here I promise" she says as I awkwardly hug her back. I never much liked hugs but I guess one won't hurt. I hear a knock on the door followed by Klaus opening the door, "It's late now Bex, let Mia sleep" he says giving me a subtle wink. As Rebekah leaves she hugs me tightly one last time. I lay my head on the soft pillow and then I realize how tired I am before I drift off to sleep.

- Klaus Pov -

As Rebekah and I walk down stairs the rest of our family are sitting around on the lounge with Elijah pacing around the ground floor of the compound with the same concerned and serious facial expression, I roll my eyes and ask him "What now?" Elijah turns to look at me and is about to speak when Freya interrupts him "Its Dahlia" everyone turns to look at her "She is getting closer, she must have broken through the cloaking spells on hopes magic" Freya looks worried but still calm. "I am taking hope to stay with Mary and Jackson in the Bayou tomorrow morning" Hayley says "Hope should stay with us we can protect her here" Kol sternly says. "No, Mary's house is safer, her house is cloaked under many of Freya's spells and blocked off from supernatural species other than Hope's bloodline" Hayley reassures us. "What about Mia" Rebekah asks "what about her" I say sharply as Elijah looks at me confused on my I care for this girl I met less then 24 hours ago. "Well she must be able to help us in some way, her magic is powerful enough to easily break through Freya's spells she should be able to create stronger ones around Hope" Rebekah says finishing her sentence, "Rebekah has a point, She is the first original Tribrid, I say we offer her a deal. We take her to the Bayou tomorrow and protect her and her mother and sister if we find them and in return she helps us and stands beside us against Dahlia." Freya offers looking around at our family for their opinions on her idea. "I don't know, The girl is 17, I don't think she should be involved in this stuff" Marcellus concerningly says. I sigh "Well we're out of choices, Mia seems nice and besides we can't just let the first original tribrid out alone with no defense" I tell the others. "he is right, Marcel's vampires already tried to kill her" Elijah backs me up "Which will not happen again." Marcell interrupts and sterningly assures us. "Okay well it's settled, We will help Mia and she will help us" Kol says "If she agrees Kol" Rebekah says. "We can't just force her, Me and Hayley will talk to her on the way to the Bayou tomorrow."

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