The Party

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Chapter 17   -  Party

- Mia POV -
The next morning I wake up early in the compound before anyone else, I quietly put on a pair of low rise jeans and a black top with a pair of sneakers. I grab the car keys as I walk out of the door and get in my car. I drive through the streets of the quarter until eventually the bus streets filled with shops and bars turn into the quiet Bayou forest. I get out of the car when I see my house as I walk up to the front door and brush my hand on the door handle before pushing it open to an empty, dark house. Its been five years since anyone has been in the house so the light switch wont work and the water wont run. My eyes scatter over the house as I stare at the couch Caleb spent most nights on, Lily's room where I would stay and protect her when dad got mad, the kitchen where my mother would cook, well attempt to and the broken floor boards that my dad would throw me on when his anger got the better of him.
I walk into Lily's room as my eyes fall on all of her books, toys and belongings. She would have been seventeen years old by now if she was still alive, If I could have protected her. I feel a couple tears drop from my eyes as I walk out of the house and close the door behind me, I look up to see my father with a shocked expression mixed with fear painted on his face as she holds up fire wood. "Funny to see you here" I say, looking down as I walk down the steps of the porch, "I thought you were dead" he says in disbelief as he drops the fire wood, "well i'm not, suprise suprise" I sarcastically say. "Why are you here?" I ask in a snappy tone. "Ahh the spell" I say, remembering he spell I casted on him that made him unable to leave New Orleans. "Look Mia I'm so-" he starts as I cut him off. "I don't want to hear your fake ass apologies" I say as I grab him by the neck.
Just then I feel arms grab me from behind as I drop my father and he runs off like a scared little girl. I turn to see Hayley standing behind me, "what the hell, why'd you do that!" I yell at her, confused. "You can't kill your father Mia!" Hayley yells back, "oh I could, I will" I reply as she holds my hand from running off. "Mia you'll regret it" Hayley warns me as I shake my head, "I wont" I reply but she holds me back from running off again. "Give it a bit Mia, you can go rage it at him next time okay? You just got purified from the hollow, healed from Marcels bite and are in a feud with all of New Orleans." she pleads as I let out a sigh. "Fine" I say, "lets just go home" Hayley says as she hols out her arm for me to link with. I nod my head and link my arm with hers as we make out way back to the car.

Hayley and I walk into the compound to see a bunch of random people carrying boxes of party decorations as Klaus orders them to place things all over the place. "We were heading out, and now we're throwing a party? I see." Hayley questions. "One that will be attended by New Orleans' most influential creatures." Klaus replies with a proud smile. "You do realize that everyone hates you?" I reply. "But they love Marcel. And as the invite states, he is the co-host. Tonight we celebrate our truce." Klaus replies as I chuckle, looking down. "So you're throwing a fake party, in honor of a fake truce, and your guest of honor is in a dungeon?" Hayley questions. "Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters, besides I'll have my hands full weeding out those in league with The Hollow." Klaus explains as Hayley rolls her eyes. "Have fun with that. Hope's with Mary, I'm just looking for Freya" Hayley replies, "What do you need of her?" Klaus questions, "Just a favor." Hayley replies, "I think she's at roseussa's bar" I reply, "I'll come I gotta ask her something as well" I say as Hayley nods her head and we leave Klaus for his party planning.
Hayley and I walk into the bar to see the wolf, keelin throws a dart at the dart board and jumps up in excitement at her shot as Freya watches her from the bar with a smile on her face. "I like her, for what its worth" Hayley says as we walk up to Freya, "me too" I add with a smile. "Uh, all the same, I should have told you she was still here. I'm sorry I didn't." Freya apologizes. "Well, you can make up for it by doing me a favor." Hayley says as I look at her with confusion. "I learned about the man who killed my parents. He was connected to The Hollow." Hayley says as I look at her with a sorry look, "I was just a baby when they were killed, I don't remember it, but I, I do know where they were killed. I was hoping maybe with your spells, and your witchcraft" Hayley asks as Freya finishes her sentence. "You want me to do a reading. Hayley, violent death has a very specific energy. I could conjure up whatever there is to see, but you might not like it." Freya informs as I look at Hayley, waiting for her answer. "I don't think I have a choice." she replies in a determined voice.
"I'm going to go back and help Klaus with the party, can you do the spell on your own Freya?" I ask as she nods her head and Hayley gives me a hug, "bye guys" I say as Freya nods her head at me  before I walk off back to the compound.
I walk down the street of the compound when I see Elijah pull up in front, "ahh dressy suit for the party I see?" I ask, pointing to the suit he is holding. "Of course" he replies as we walk in. "Ah, you've outdone yourself." Elijah exclaims as we are met with Klaus, standing in the middle of the amazing party decor he put together. "I'm inclined to agree. It's such a shame these lovely linens will soon be red with blood." Klaus replies as I roll my eyes. "Violence must only be seen as a last resort, it will only weaken our position." Elijah warns. "Yes, well, I'm a creature of very specific habits." Klaus replies. "
"Brother, please, remember that the point of tonight is to create a false sense of security. A little music, a little champagne, some stealthy reconnaissance.. no bloodshed." Elijah warns as Klaus rolls his eyes, "Do we understand each other?" he asks in a tone that he would us whilst scolding a child. "They threatened me. They threatened Mia.  They threatened my child. Bloodshed is inevitable." Klaus reminds his brother and I as Elijah just shakes his head in dismay.
"And how do we protect Hope from all of this?" Elijah questions as I go and grab a glass of bourbon. "She worships you, Niklaus. And she must not see the monster." Elijah adds. "I do not wish for her to see me as a monster, but I cannot sit idly by while threats to our family go unanswered." Klaus replies, more angrily. "They won't. Now let me do this." Elijah replies, getting more frustrated. "Please. And should any turmoil arise, should anyone dare to disrupt our kingdom, let them answer to me." He adds as he places his hands on his brothers shoulders and Klaus gives a head nod.
Hours later the Compound is decorated and filled with people. There are balloons colored in the theme of Mardi Gras, musicians playing jazz and many people socializing and drinking champagne. Elijah is greeting all of the guests who arrive and showing them around. "You look ravishing," Klaus says, coming up to me and kissing me briefly. I'm wearing a royal blue, sleek satin maxi dress with my hair straightened and tucked behind my ears. "Come with me?" he asks as I nod my head and hold on to his arm, "where are we going?" I ask, confused. "To speak to the co-host, I'm sure he would love to know that the party is such a hit" Klaus says as I send him a glare but follow him down to the basement anyways.
"How the mighty have fallen, how the tables have turned." Klaus exclaims as we come into view of Marcel, behind the opening gate to the basement, who is confined in a magic circle. Klaus opens the gate as we walk closer to the circle. "I'm still trying to find the right idiom." he says, with a wondering look. "How about you and your fancy jacket and tie go straight to hell?" Marcel snaps back. "What goes around, comes around." klaus says with a smug smile. "I think that fits." he says a she pulls out Tunde's blade from his coat that he got from Marcel's penthouse. "You ransacked my place. Classy." Marcel comments as his face drops. "Well, to the victor goes the spoils. And now that you know I have it, you know I can use it at my leisure." Klaus replies with a smug smile. "Then use it. Or else go back to your stupid party." Marcel snaps.

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