Funerals & Flashbacks

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Its early in the morning and we are all sitting around the bottom level of the compound, Hayley now joined us, Kol went to see Davina and Freya is asleep. Klaus is walking around whilst Elijah is sitting in a chair opposite the couch which has Myself, Rebakah and Hayley sitting on. I am not crying just fiddling with my bralet on my left wrist and looking down, "So, Dahlias gone it's over'' Elijah states, I look up nodding, We sit in silence for a minute or two and I can feel my eyes well up with tears the more i recite in my head what happened. "Mia, It's not your fault" Klaus says as I lift my head up to look at him, I just nod my head even though I know it is my fault, "I could of stopped it" I finally say pushing out words as everyone looks at me stunned that I actually spoke, "I mean what am I gonna tell Lily? That our mother is dead, and it's my fault?" I say standing up, "I will go with you to tell Lily, it's going to be okay I promise" Rebekah says as I sit back down in my spot next to Bex and Hayley, "I will come as well" Hayley says putting her hand on my shoulder, "Mia it isn't your fault though you must understand that" Elijah says, this time I don't reply, I just stare forward. After a minute of silence I stand up and walk to the big gates, "where are you going?" Klaus asks, walking after me looking at the others confused, "I am going to tell Lily, get it over and done with" I state turning to face the rest of the group, Klaus signals Hayley and Rebekah to go with me as they follow me out and to the car.

After a very long and slow silent drive we arrive at the Bayou, I park a little further than the house so I can have some time to think about what to say when I get there, "Hey, you okay" Rebekah asks as she pulls me into a hug whilst Hayley gets out the car, "It's going to be okay" Rebekah says letting go of her grasping hug, "I know" I say nodding my head pushing back the tears that are welling up in my eyes, I walk towards the house as Hayley swings her arm around my shoulder, "we got your back girl" Hayley says smiling at me then dropping her hand off my shoulders.

The house comes into view and so does Lily, she is sitting on the front two steps of the porch with Caleb, Caleb sees me and nudges Lily on the shoulder, "see I told you she would come Lils" He says nodding is head towards me as Lily runs up towards me embracing me with a tight hug, 'Hey Doll" I greet her looking in her eyes, I can feel my eyes sting with tears when I remember what I have to tell her, Caleb can see my emotion when he catches Hayley and Rebekah's eyes as Rebekah shakes her head at Caleb. I lead Lily to the steps on the porch leading up to our house as she takes a seat, "I was so worried, mom just disappeared and then you didn't come for dinner and I didnt know what to do" Lily frantically explains to me, she looks at my expression with a confused look shadowing her face, "wait, wheres mom?" Lily asks, "Lils" I begin putting a hand on her leg with re assurance, "I'm so sorry Doll, I couldn't save her" I say with tears starting to form in my eyes, "what do you mean you couldn't save her, where is she, what happened?" Lily questions as tears form in her eyes as well, "Remember the mean lady Dahlia" I ask as she nods her head in response, "Well she, she took mom again" I say explain, as I am about to speak again lily interrupts me, "she killed her?" Lily asks with her tears now running down her cheeks,  I pull her into a hug letting her cry in my shoulder as I run my hand in a circular motion on her upper back, Caleb walks away so I don't see him cry, My mother was like a second Mother to Caleb after his parents left him, we took him in, its like he lost a father as well.

I am trying my best to hold back the tears that are waiting to explode so I can stay strong for Lily, I finally pull away from her and look at my sister clearly, her eyes are puffy red from crying and her nose is stiffly, Rebekah hands her a tissue, "here you go love" She says squeezing Lily's  hand as she hands her the tissue, "I am so so sorry doll" I apologize as she wipes her nose, she nods her head still not being able to speak, "I promise you I, I will stand up, I'll move in, I'll take care if you, send you to school and be there for everything" I say frantically, "you promise?" Lily asks holding out her pinky, "I promise" I answer linking her pinky with mine than letting go and doing our sister handshake to lock in the promise, I pull her in for another hug, "I am going to organize some things for tonight, we are going to have a funeral for mom in the Bayou" I explain "tonight?" Lily asks me with a soft voice and some sniffles in between each word, "yeah, I can tell the pack another time if you need some time to process?" I tell her, she shakes her head telling me it's okay, "well i'm going to quickly go back to the Bayou to get some things for the funeral and some clothes so I can stay with you" I explain to her as she tilts her head in complaint that I am leaving, "I will be back in a jiffy I promise" I promise looking in her eyes as I rest a hand on her cheek, I can feel Caleb walk behind me, "I'll stay with her whilst you get everything ready" He offers, he sounds broken and torn from the news, I haven't even begun to think about the crushing feeling he has inside of him as well, I stand up from Lily as Hayley and Rebekah quickly replace me giving Lily a hug, I walk up to Caleb and I can see his eyes are red and puffy like Lily's, maybe not as much at hers but still visible, without saying anything we pull each other into a hug, I finally let out some tears as he holds me. I feel Lily join in our hug, for once I don't hold back the tears, I am too tired to fight back the urges to let the dams break, I just embrace my family and cry with them.

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