The strix party and a new boyfriend

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- Mia POV -

Rebekah, Hayley, Elijah and I walk into the Davila Estate where the strix is throwing their masquerade party. Hayley and Elijah left Rebekah and I whilst they made small talk. "So what are we meant to do now?" I question Rebekah handing her a champagne glass and taking one for myself, "No clue" She replies shrugging and taking a sip of her drink, "oooh hottie on the left" I say nodding towards a man coming closer to us, "hello ladies, may I interest one of you in a dance" He asks with a chuckle whilst I nudge Rebekah closer to him, "all yours becca" I say with a smirk as she rolls her eyes taking his hand following him to the dance floor.

I lean back on the bar behind me putting my now empty glass down when Elijah and Hayley come next to me, "where did Rebekah disappear too" Elijah questions as I slightly point to her dancing with the guy from before as Elijah and Hayley let out a chuckle. I see Tristan coming closer to us as I roll my eyes, "that's my cue" I say starting to walk away as Elijah and Hayley sigh, "Mia! What an amazing suprise" Tristan says cutting me off from walking away, "well you did invite me here" I say sarcastically standing back next to Elijah, "and hello Elijah nice to meet your acquaintance again" Lucien says turning to Elijah as she smiles sarcastically, "and you, Hayley right?" He adds on taking her hand and kissing it bowing down slightly. Suddenly slow dance music starts playing and people partner up, "Mia? Let's dance" Lucien asks half stating, "sure why not" I say shrugging placing my drink down and taking his hand rolling my eyes at Elijah and Hayley who have a death stare painted across as they follow us out to the dance floor.

I can feel Lucien's hands wrap around my waist as he pulls me closer and I give him a "no" stare and he sighs. I wrap my hands around his neck reluctantly, "so are you going to tell me what you want with me?" I ask, "maybe I wanted to see you" He says with a smirk, "Tristan I am serious, What do you want?" I ask again, "well I was wondering if you would like to re consider joining us" He answers as I roll my eyes dropping my hands off him, "How many times do I have to tell you no! I knew this is what you wanted" I answer shaking my head, "well if you knew why did you come" He says with another smirk planted on his lips, I shrug my shoulders with a scoff in response, "Maybe you wanted to see me" He states with a smile, "I have seen you. You look like shit." I answer leaving the dance floor and walking back over to Rebekah who has also left her dance partner.

"What a lovely party!" I hear someone exclaim as I turn my head to see Klaus linked with Lucien and Freya in a dress up costume next to him. "It is isn't Nick, although they could turn up the music a bit" Lucien adds on when I let out a giggle from a lips seeing the look on Tristan's face. "You know I use to be upset I was never apart of your little club" Klaus tells pretending to be drunk, "but O could never get my head far about up my own ars!" He yells as I see Freya walk upstairs trying to look for something. "what the bloody hell are they doing?" Rebekah asks me as Marcel comes over to us, "don't know but it isn't going to end well" Marcel answers. "I saw Freya go upstairs they are distracting Tristan" I answer their questions. Suddenly I see Freya slip out the back with a girl in her arms passed out and Lucien and Klaus follow out after her. As we are about to follow them Marcel and I are stopped my Tristan and his men. "Okay now let's get to business. Marcellus Gerad and Emilia Lebonair" I shudder at hearing my real name knowing no one calls me that, "Marcell and Mia here are going to join the strix, but like anyone they need to qualify" Tristan adds on as I scoff, "your out of your mind if you think we are joining your cult" I exclaim inching closer to Tristan when Marcel grabs me by my arm and brings me too his side, "she's right Tristan your out of your mind" Marcel adds on backing me up. "Well let me rephrase, Marcellus if you look down you will see you are without daylight ring, and if you don't find your ring Emilia and you will meet your death, But if you do find it, you have the choice to join the strix" Tristan says with a smug smile, "You think you have any power on us, I could rip you to shreds and do my nails at the same time" I exclaim laughing as I hear a chuckle from Marcell, "Well lucky for us we have this" Tristan says gesturing to a girl that pulls out the white oak stake, My mouth drops open when I quickly shut it. "So? The times ticking" Tristan says pointing to his watch.

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