A death of a De Martel & A Laurier

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Chapter 7   -  End of a de Martel and a Laurier

- Klaus POV -

Voicemail again and again, I have rung Mia's phone again and again but everytime it goes straight to voicemail. I come butting through the doors of Tristan's lent house apartment to see him stand up from the couch. "Not a fan of knocking, are we?" He asks sarcastically. "I afford courtesy to those in my good graces, you've fallen short." I reply to him snapping back with pure anger. "Which is why I called you here" He says in a more serious tone as I take a breath in preparing for what Lucien possibly could tell me. "The Mia situation has gotten a tad bit out of hand" Lucien says as I roll my eyes, "out of your hand! Your the one that put her in danger!" I yell back at him my anger rising up inside of me like a fully blown balloon waiting to burst. "How did I put her in danger!?" Lucien questions yelling back at me as I roll my eyes bewildered at his stupid question. "You cheated on her with her sworn enemy who I have suspicion to believe had now taken her!" I reply with a highly raised voice. "Look I messed up but I still care. Why do you think I called you here?" He replies with a calm level and tone of voice as he turns on the TV behind him to show camera footage of Aurora taking Mia passed out in her arms from Lucien's apartment. It shows Aurora flashing a smile and blowing a kiss at the camera whilst showing a message written on her hand that says "Jackson square" I sigh looking down to see her holding a fragment of the white oak steak in her hand. "I'd say this does not bode well for your friend Emilia" Lucien says as I slam the drink he passed me on his floor in rage.

"Aurora is upset because I have her beloved brother. She took Emilia as leverage." I say looking into Lucien's eyes.  "Well it will be the last mistake she will ever make." I add on smirking at the thought of killing my red headed ex lover. I walk off to the door as Lucien vamp speeds over in front of me blocking my way, "Might I suggest you pass just a tick and thing this through?" He asks me as I just laugh rolling my eyes sarcastically. "Move. Now." I order wiping the fake laughing expression of my face replacing it with an angry expression towards Lucien. Lucien steps to the side with a huff letting me walk towards the elevator doors. "If Aurora is upset with you, Might she just be leading you into a trap?" He asks following me as I press the elevator button. "Aurora has neither the means nor the will to harm me." I answer Lucien without looking at him. "So you say, yet she is a vindictive Lunatic. The prophesy said The Laurier's, you and your siblings shall all fall one by foe, one my family and one by friend. What is Aurora to you if not a Friend. With certain benefits?" Lucien reasons asking me about my "friendship" status with Aurora. "Perhaps I should murder my friends, starting with you" I say pinning Lucien against the wall next to the Elevator. "You are my sire. I have a vested interest in keeping you alive." He says as I slightly loosen my choke hold on him as the elevator pings and the doors open. "Which means I won't sit back and watch you walk have cocked into a trap" He adds on before following me into the elevator. "I'm coming with you" He states before pressing the close door button in the elevator. "Just stay out of my way" I snap back at him as the doors slowly shut.

I am waking through the streets of Jackson square trying to figure out where Aurora has captured Mia, Lucien is following me closely behind making snarky comments every once in a while. "It's typical of Aurora, forcing us to look for one of her needles in a rather vile haystack" He comments gesturing to the many places in Jackson square that Aurora may be hiding Mia. "Yes. It's quite the undertaking, Made all the more onerous by your incessant chatter." I snap back, turning around to face him whilst still walking. "I speak so that I might be listened to" He says throwing his hands up in defense as I just roll my eyes turning back around. "Aurora clearly has some devious plan in mind, Which begs the question given how vindictive she is, Why bother playing her game?" Lucien asks me as we stop at a pop up store on the street so I can face him properly. "I'm not playing for her." I answer before walking from the pop up store has Lucien follows directly beside me. "Ah! So tell me what's the best case scenario? You save Emillia today, Aurora will just kill her some other time, and you can't very well kill Aurora, given she alone has the information needed to find your dear sister Rebekah." Lucien reasons recapping me on all that has occurred. "I'm quite aware of the dilemma, Thankyou." I answer walking a bit faster in hope Lucien will fall back far behind me. "Oh yet your still determined to rush into this Harpy's trap" Lucien than says as u stop and he comes infront of me staring into my eyes holding eye contact as he speaks. "What for? Why do you even care about Mia? She is my girlfriend after all." Lucien says as I just glare at him at the mention of Mia being his girlfriend.  "I trust her, which is more than could be said for you. Also last time I checked you cheated on her so I think the boyfriend title has been taken away." I answer rolling my eyes. "Well she never actually broke up with me, plus it was just a fling" Lucien replies shrugging his shoulders as I scoff at him talking about Mia that way. "Now. If your going to help me, help me. Otherwise, bugger off" I say before pushing past him and walking forward. "Alright" I hear him mutter as he following me down the street.

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