prologue: the meeting

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In a land where magic was part of everyday life. The greatest of all the people with magic were known as the magic knights. The man in charge of them all was a man known as the wizard king, with the magic knight Captains,with their squads they work togehter to protect the clover kingdom and its people. But there were those who were different in the kingdom, the nobles who lived in kingdoms capital and the commoners who lived in small towns. Most of the noble and royal familys looked down on them for who they were just because of the way they live.

One day a young boy named Asta was walking through a forest carrying a small bag, "I hope sister Lily is feeling better when I get back, she will be so impressed when she finds out I got the sewing kit she needed for the others" he said as he imagined the image of the nun smiling at him and congratulating him. He had left the orpahange to get sister Lilu a sewing kit to help repair some of the kirs clothes, but she was currently sick and so Asta straight away volunteered to get it himself.

Asta was an orphaned boy ever since he was a baby. He and his rival Yuno had been left on a church door step when they were just babys. The only thing linked to where they came from was their names and the necklace Yuno was left with. The two of them dreamed of one day joining the magic knights and becoming the wizard king so they could help people. When Yuno told Asta he wanted to be the wizard king they declared that they were rivals.

The only thing was Yuno had started using wind magic. But Asta wasn't able to use any magic, but he believed that even without it he would become the wizard king. As he walked through the forest he then heard the sound of someone crying. He realised it was a girl and he walked through the trees to see a girl with silver hair sitting on a fallen tree. She was wearing fancy clothes and a cloak. She was crying as she looked at something in her hands.

"She's kind of pretty and the way she's dressed, is she from the capital" Asta thought as he stepped closer only to step on the branch which made the girl turn to look at him.

"Who are you" the girl said standing up from the fallen tree, she pointed her two hands in front of her, revealing the thing she was holding was a stuffed bunny torn up, she pointed her hands at Asta and water started to form in front of her hands surprising him.

"That's magic" thought Asta bracing himself for about to be hit when he heard the sound of something hitting a tree near him. He looked to see the water had damaged a tree nearby him creating a hole, "HEY YOU COULD HERT SOMEONE WITH THAT" he yelled at the girl looking annoyed.

"You're a boy, I'm sorry" said the girl backing away looking scared by the stranger.

"Oh it's okay I'm not going to hert you, I heard someone crying when I was on my way home and I found you" said Asta trying to calm the girl down, "My names Asta" he said.

"Oh alright, my names Noelle, Noelle Silva" she said introducing herself.

"Noelle, that's a nice name" said Asta smiling. Noelle smiled now feeling calm.

Asta then noticed the destroyed stuff bunny on the ground, "Hey what happenned to this" he said walking over to the stuffed bunny and picking it up.

Noelles then went back to having a sad look on her face, "My brother Soild destroyed it in front of me, I couldn't get it back from him, so I searched for it all night when he threw it out and when I found it I ran away" she said sitting down the fallen tree again.

"Your own brother did this, that's mean" said Asta looking surprised that someone from her family would do this to her, he then smiled as he got an idea and he sat down on the fallen tree taking out the sewing kit.

"What are you doing" asked Noelle looking confused?

"I might be able to fix up the holes, I'm not that much good at this at the moment, but sister Lily showed me the basics back at the orphanage whenever some of the younger kids clothes need fixing" said Asta.

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