chapter 8: a Debt repayed

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Deep in a forest a man carrying a large bag suddenly felt the ground beneath him shake, "What is this, what's happenning" he said looking scared when he looked to see a parts of a building start to come out of the ground. It looked like the ruins of an old castle with some parts of the buildings covered in the plant life.

"What is that" aksed the man looking at the large structure.

The next morning inside the black bulls headquarters Asta was doing one hand push ups with Magna sitting on his back while he ate and Nero was in Astas hairs, "How about Silvatus Snouser" said Noelle was kneeling next to Asta as he did his push ups. They were trying to think of a name for the anti bird since it didn't look like it would be leaving.

"No I don't think he likes it,how about birdy boy" said Asta looking up only for the anti bird to peck him in the head, "Ow what was that for birdy boy" he asked before going back to his push ups.

"He likes the name Silvantus Snouser, you like the name right" Noelle asked smiling at the little anti bird only to see it had its usual bored look on its face.

"The birds tough so he needs a cool name, call him magnum fire" said Magna.

"No call him wine" said Vanessa cheerfully as she was lying down on a couch drinking from a bottle, "Oh Magna it's time to change who sits on Astas back, Cmon Noelle I'm sure he won't fall with his childhood friend on his back" she said smiling while Noelle blushed.

"What" said Noelle standing up.

"Hey great idea, here Noelle you try" said Magna getting off Astas back.

"Uh okay" said Noelle still blushing as she sat on Astas back, "You better not fall" she said looking at the back of Astas head since he was looking towards the floor.

"Uh yeah you got it" said Asta as he continued looking towards the floor to hide his own blush.

"This my little sister Marie, as a kindness I'll let you use one syllable of her name, therefore your name will be Ma" said Gauche looking at the anti bird as he held up a photo of his little sister.

"No call him Magnum Fire ball" said Magna.

"Wine" said Vanessa disagreeing with them as she drank from her bottle.

"How about Nero" said Luck getting their attention, "It means black and I think it sounds cool" he said while the anti bird put its left wing in the air in agreement.

"Well I guess it likes the name Nero" said Noelle with a sad smile on her face.

"I think it sounds cool" said Asta as he did another push up when a magical portal opened in front of the entrance of the headquarters. Yami walked out with Rosa first and then Finral walked out before the magical portal vanished.

"Hey everyone we're back" said Finral waving at everyone.

"I see your back to Rosa" said Vanessa getting up from where she was sitting.

"It would have taken me longer but luckily I ran into Yami and Finral when I was on my way here" said Rosa.

"Oh yeah, why were you called to castle anyway" asked Vanessa looking at the captain.

"Listen up everyone, a new dungeon has just appeared" said Yami calmly.

"A dungeon, is that true Yami sir" asked Magna?

"Whoa a dungeon, that's so cool, what's a dungeon" cheered Asta.

"Why are you cheering when you don't even know what it is" said Magna looking annoyed.

"A dungeon is like a building from a long time ago, the people who used to live there left their treasure behind there, in most dungeons you would also find some lost magic that they left behind aswell" explained Vanessa.

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