chapter 20: hello again sally

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Outside the black bulls headquarters Sekke was flying towards it before he jumped down from his broom, "haha" he said striking a pose after his feet touched the ground before he started walking to the entrance, "I don't understand, the black bulls are the closest to Nean village, so why is it taking them so long to respond to the back up request" he said.

He then opened the door, "The black bulls squad, the worst of the worst, just what are they like" he thought looking scared to see the main area was covered in darkness. There were bottles scattered all over the floor, "Hello, I'm from magic knight HQ, theres been a request for back up at Nean village, is there anyone here" he said looking around seeing no one.

"Well looks like theres no one here" said Sekke before smiling, "I know, ill go to the blue rose knights, I'm sure ill get a warm welcome" he thought imagining Sol and Charlotte greeting him with a smile. But when he turned around, Gordon was standing behind him.

"Hello" he muttered silently while Sekke screamed in terror as he fell to ground and started to back away away as Gordon followed him, "Aren't you Sekke from the green praying mantis, my names Gordon" he muttered silently while Sekkke continued to scream.

"Who is this guy, that look on his face is the one of some who wants to kill me" thought Sekke looking afraid as Gordon was now smiling so much that his teeth were showing.

"I haven't seen you since the magic knights entrance exam" he muttered silently still smiling when Sekke quickly stood up and ran over to a doorway that was covered by a curtain.

"You stay away from me" said Sekke before he tripped over some large feet and landed behind a couch. He looked up to see Grey poking his head out ad blowing out smoke. He screamed before hiding behind the couch.

"Just what is going on out here" said Yami walking into the main area, "Can't a man sleep in peace" he said.

"It's the captain of the black bulls" said Sekke before getting off the floor and walked over to the black bulls captain looking relieved, "Sir I'm here to" he said before Yami grabbed his head.

"Who are you, you better not be the guy who picks up the bar tabs, i had mine all payed for a long time ago" he said looking annoyed.

"No its not that, I from magic knights HQ about the back request for Nean" said Sekke and before he could say anything else.

"Nope, tab there is payed for there aswell, that place was the closest so I payed the bar tab for there first" the black bulls captain said still squeezing Sekkes head while the green praying mantis magic knight screamed.

Sekke then noticed the other black bulls members were asleep on the ground, Vanessa was passed out on one of the couches with bottles surrounding her and surprisingly Magna was lying down on the floor next to her with less bottles then her surrounding him, "I should have gone to the blue rose knights instead" Sekke thought.

Back inside the mountain caves outside Nean village, Asta stood in front of one of the mages responsible for kidnapping the kids, "What are you doing you fool, do something" the mage said looking at his brother.

"uh right, go snow soldiers" Neas said as more snow soldiers appeared in front of him.

"That wont work, mirror magic, reflect refrain" Gauche said as his mirror fired multiple rays and destroyed the snow soldiers.

Neas looked afraid before he put his hands in front of his grimoire, "Snow binding magic" he said and what looked like a tree made out of snow shot up from under Gauche. The tree trappped him and only from his shoulders up to his head was exposed.

"Big brother" said Marie looking worried.

"Don't worry Gauche Ill get you out of there" said Asta readying his anti magic sword when Gauche interrupted him.

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