chapter 18: meeting marie

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A magic portal appeared over the small village of Hage, a messenger bird flew out and down towards the church. Sister Lily walked out of the the church and retrieved the two envelopes the bird was carrying.

"It looks like we've gotten a delivery" she said as she walked back inside where the the orphans and the priest were waiting.

"That's great, looks link will be having a potatoe feast tonight" the priest said crying tears of joy and the orphans cheered.

"What do the letters say" a little girl asked sister Lily as she opened Yunos letter.

"Well looks it looks like Yuno has reached junior magic knight first class" she said making the orphans and the priest, who was again crying tears of joy, cheer.

"Wow he hasn't been there that long and he's already gotten that far" said Nash smiling, "Makes me wonder how far Asta has gotten" he said.

"It doesn't matter how much he's failed, there's always a home for you here Asta" said the priest.

Sister Lily then opened Astas letter, "Dear sister Lily, church orphans and village head" she said as she began to read the letter when the priest looked annoyed.

"Why didn't he mention me" he said.

"Oh wow, he's actually been ranked up to junior magic knight third class" sister Lily said smiling making the others look shocked, but she then looked closer trying to read something on the letter.

"Wow, amazing" said Nash when he noticed sister Lily looked surprised.

"What is it, what did he write" asked an older girl?

"Well It seems that his girlfriend Noelle was made a junior magic knight third class aswell" she said making everyone looked more shocked then before, "He wrote to us when he regained his memories, but looks like the two of them got together" she thought while smiling, "Well done Asta" she thought looking out the church window.

Over at the golden dawn headquarters Yuno was walking through one of the yards when, "Yuno" said Klaus. Yuno turned around to see Klaus and Mimosa walking over to him, "I heard about your promotion up to junior magic knight first class, I wanted to offer my congratulations".

"Thanks but it wasn't much" said Yuno looking calm.

"I'm glad you think of it that way, we can't have you getting big head, after all Iam still your superior" said Klaus walking over to Yuno, "Hold out your hand please" he said making Yuno looked confused as he held his right hand out. Klaus then dropped a bag of money onto his hand.

"Think of that as a promotion present, its for you to use, I know where all your wages go every month" said Klaus pushing up his glasses as he began to walk away while Mimosa stayed behind.

"He may not look like it but he is happy for you, I saw him cheering for you in his room earlier and I think at one point his glasses were shining" said Mimosa smiling.

"I'm surprised they didn't promote you" said Yuno putting his gift away.

"Well I didn't do much fighting and I was mostly healing the people who were injured" said Mimosa.

"Well one of those people you helped were me" said Yuno smiling at her which made her blush, "Tell you what, let's use some of this money Klaus gave me and get some lunch together".

"Uh Yeah sure" said Mimosa as the two of them started walking out of the headquarters while she still had a blush on her face as she thought, "Is this a date, no it couldn't be".

Meanwhile at the black bulls headquarters Yami and Rosa stood in front of the black bulls members, "Alright everyone your wages for this week are in, so no work today" he said making most of them cheer.

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