chapter 19: rescuing the children

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As the snow continued to fall on Nean village, more parents continued to walk outside their homes calling out to their missing children. Asta continued to look around the village confused, "Just whats going on" he said when he looked surprised as a beam of light shot at him from Gauches mirror magic.

"Just stay still would you" said Gauche as he jumped down from the hole in Rebecca's house.

"Hey Gauche I think theres more important things going on here" Asta said looking annoyed as Gauche stopped his attacks.

"Marie only has only one big brother and that's me, you must die" said Gauche as he continued to fire beams from his mirror.

"Hey come on you two stop" said Rebecca when Noelle rushed outside fully dressed and pointing her wand at Gauche.

"Gauche either you stop firing or ill start firing" said Noelle when the doors to the church opened revealing the scarred nun from earlier who was arguing with Gauche and another nun.

"The girls are right, most of the towns children were taken, including some of our own" the scarred nun said as she reached her right hand out and a piece of snow landed on it, "This snow isn't ordinary, there are traces of magic power in it, this must have been how they were taken".

"Makes sense, there isn't suppose to be any snow at this time of the year" said Noelle studying the snow herself.

"Hey old hag, you said some of your own are missing as-well, that better not include Marie" said Gauche looking angry as he approached the nun.

"Sadly she was" the scarred nun said looking down when Gauche grabbed the front of her robes lifting her up from the ground looking more angry then before.

"You old crone, you're suppose to be looking after her and yet you let her be taken away, I should kill you for this" said Gauche.

"Hey put her down" said the other nun who had walked and now looking concerned.

"Why shouldn't I be surprised, you always turn to violence, if hitting me is going to make you feel better then go right ahead, but it wont help you get Marie back" said the scarred nun looking down at Gauche with an angry look on her face.

"Your right about that, but its gonna make me feel a whole lot better" said Gauche sending his right fist forward. Only for his fist to hit Asta on the cheek.

"Asta" said Noelle looking surprised.

"Are you so quick to die shorty, don't worry you'll get yours soon" said Gauche looking annoyed.

"Hey I know were a little annoyed right now" said Asta smiling before he head butted Gauche and sending him into the snow covered ground, "But how about we all calm down" he said.

He then looked down at Gauche with a serious look on his face, "Were magic knights, were suppose to act calmly" he said remembering the words Captain Feugoleon told him back during the battle in the capital.

"Hmm, I like this boy" the scarred nun said smiling, impressed by the young magic knights actions.

"Fine then" said Gauche pushing himself up and looked at Asta with a crazed look on his face and blood pouring down on his forehead, "Ill kill you calmly" he said making Asta look shocked as he sent his right foot into his back.

"Let's see, I can probably use my magic to sense Marie after I told her to hold onto the mirror I gave her that I told her to always keep with her" thought Gauche as he remembered the mirror he would uses to talk to his sister.

"You know come to think of it, back when I was changing for bed I looked out the window and saw a bunch of kids heading towards the direction of the mountain" said Noelle.

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