chapter 23: asta's way

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"Haha, great job kid, I guess we don't have to worry about any rocks falling on your head, keep learning how to use Ki and not even the wildest animal will catch you off guard" the black bulls captain said while laughing that they had both survived the Lichts attack.

Asta gripped the handles of his swords and cheered, "Yeah I love Ki, I feel like I can take anyone down now" he said.

"How is it possible that they survived the attack" said Valtos still looking surprised that they survived even with the ceiling of the cave coming down on them.

"No matter, this time I will end them" said Licht calmly.

"I hope your ready kid, the next guy your taking down is the guy with the black dots on his face" Yami said pointing his katana at Valtos.

"Alright, then after I'm going to take down that Licht guy" said Asta about to rush forward until Yami kicked him in the back, making him fall to his knees, "What gives captain Yami" he asked looking confused?

"Your not even close at being able to take that guy down, hes mine, you can take down that scarecrow looking guy" Yami said while Valtos looked annoyed by his insult. Yami dug his feet into the ground and stretched his sword out, "Gotta say, its really been a while since ive gone all out" he said smirking as darkness shot up from his back and the ground underneath him shook from his magic power being unleashed.

He jumped towards Licht at incredible speed that it looked like he vanished, surprising the eye of the midnight sun leader before he teleported away as Yami re appeared and brought his dark covered blade down. Some of the ground shot up as Yami turned around to see Licht above him.

Multiple light swords appeared around him and shot toward Yami, "Dark Magic, Dark cloaked lightless slash" Yami said as he swung his sword and a slash of darkness destroyed the light swords. Yami then jumped towards Licht and brought his sword down.

Licht dodged the attack and appeared on the ground. He fired multiple light swords again up at Yami which created a large explosion of light. Licht smiled thinking he had won until he saw sphere covered in darkness in the light, the sphere vanished as Yami jumped out of it and sending a dark slash at Licht who disappeared in a flash of light.

"So you were telling us that story earlier, but something tells me you weren't finished with it" said Yami as Licht made a big light sword appear in his hand. The two of then began a sword battle, each blocking the others attack, "That grimoire of yours has a clover on it so that means your from here, I don't get why you would attack your own people" he said sending out a slash and Licht jumped out of the way.

"As someone from another land you must see why I would want to destroy this one" said Licht as he created another light whip from his left hand, "Some of the people of this land are on the verge of starvation while the rich throw away what they cannot finish, the people with power are the ones who are better treated while wondering why others were born and treat the people who are from different lands miserably, we will make the ones who think like this answer for what they've done" he said calmly.

"Yeah that doesn't make sense at all" said Yami looking bored as he scratched the back of his head.

"No it makes perfect sense, we are the ones who will make the people of the clover kingdom pay for their sins" said Licht calmly as the light whip moved around him.

"Yeah I kind of understands what you mean from that now, but your really annoying me" Yami said as he jumped into the air and brought his sword downward and sending another black slash at Licht who destroyed the slash with his light whip. Their battle caused a large amount of dust to go up.

Asta stared at the battle surprised, "So that's what the captains like when hes not holding back, but if its like this, how am I gonna surpass them without magic, the captain, Yuno, the wizard king" he thought as he gripped his swords feeling annoyed at himself.

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