chapter 1 the five leaf clover

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Years had passed sicne that day Asta had returned from that errand without any memory of what happenned to him in the forest. Now inside Hage Village two farmers were working on the fields. One man was using magic to use his tool on the ground, "The weathers nice today so hopefully there will be a good harvest" he said.

Then from the church that was also an orphanage for the kids that were left at the doorstep, there was a loud yell, "I'm not done yet, just one more time" came a loud yell.

"Just what was that" said the first farmer.

"It's probably that kid again, he's going to get himself hert one of these days" said the second farmer as they acted like this was normal occasion for the village.

Outside the church Asta layed face first on the ground, some of his clothes drenched, "I'm not done yet" he said looking up. He had grown taller over the years but he now wore a black headband around his hair.

"Asta that was the second time today, if you get hit one more time you could end up losing more memory's" said sister Lily concerned. She had hit him in the head with her water magic. The reason she was doing this a few months after Asta came back from the errand he had started to see visions of someone in his dreams and it took place in the forest. He then felt that the person he saw in his dreams was someone important, so he was now trying to find a way to get those memory's back. His answer, have sister Lily hit him in the head with her water magic.

"But I have to remember it's important, I know it is, so just one more time" said Asta getting back up with a determined look on his face.

"Are you bothering sister Lily again Asta" said a familiar voice from behind them. Asta turned aorund to see the other kids who lived at the church, his rival Yuno who had grown a lot since he was younger and still wore the pendant around his neck.

"Here let me help you with those" Yuno said walking over to the laundry baskets.

"Oh of course, thank you Yuno" sais Sister Lily as she picked up one of the baskets and started hanging the clothes up.

"Hey Asta it's showing again" said a little girl pointing at Astas forehead where a small scar was visible.

"Oh thanks" said Asta moving his headband down further to cover the scar. The scar was from the day he had lost those memory's from when his head hit the rock.

"Why are you even trying to to remember that day anyway, you'll probably just remember that you tripped on something on your way back" said younger boy.

"No I know its something important, I just need to remember to know what it was" said Asta, "But still I won't stop until I remember and I'll still become the wizard king no matter what the memory is" he said smiling,

"Like you could become the wizard king" siad the young boy making Asta look annoyed.

"I'll show you, just watch I will now show you my final move" said Asta pushing his right hand forward but nothing came out making him look shocked.

"See, how are you going to join the magic knights or even become the wizard king if you don't have any magic" the boy said looking annoyed that Asta continued to act this way.

"Asta's being funny again" said the young girl laughing at the way he was still standing.

Their attention was then brought to where Yuno was using his wind magic to dry the clothes in a large wind sphere, "That's amazing" said the other girl looking amazed by Yunos magic.

"Fine then leave chopping the wood to me" said Asta running to the front of the church. He picked up a small axe and cut a piece of wood in two. Then Yuno showed up and used his magic to cut the wood into four pieces.

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