2 - The boy with purple eyes

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Two days later the Tiger Lily Pack was in anticipation. Word had made the round that their Luna finally was in labour and would give birth to her first son. In addition to the midwife a healer had been rushed to the apartment of their Alpha. His mate was a female alpha and giving birth was always a little riskier to those women than to an omega woman and her pregnancy did not go too well.

Now Daehee, the Alpha of this pack sat behind his wife Sooae and held her while he bathed her in his scent. Their child would be with them any minute now and the male felt so helpless. He wished he could do anything else than to scent his mate and praise her. She clung to his arms that he had slung around her torso and whenever another wave of bearing-down pains ebbed away her head fell back on his shoulder while she sucked in the air deeply to ready herself for the next wave. He helped her as best as he could holding her tight and syncing his breathing with her to help her muster the strength.

As Sooae's head fell back again the elderly midwife praised the young woman: "You are doing so good, Luna. I think one more wave will be enough, and you can finally hold your baby in your arms. So next time press as hard as you can." Daehee felt his love tense up again as the pains hit her again and with a cry that went through him like a knife, she finally gave birth to their baby.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" the midwife cheered and put the crying baby onto its mother's belly. The crying woman enclosed her baby son in her arms and Daehee hugged his little family in pure joy while the healer covered the naked and still dirty baby with a blanket to keep it warm. The little newborn instantly stopped crying when his parents started to release their scent out of instinct.

The overjoyed couple looked at their tiny little baby but when the boy started sniffing and opened his eyes to look at the person holding him, they gasped in shock and amazement at the brightly shining eyes. It was not so much the fact that his wolf fronted. That was a normal thing because birth was a moment of great distress to a pup, so the wolf took over by sheer instinct to protect. What made them halt for a moment was the fact that they found a pair of bright purple eyes looking at them. Usually, a pup's eyes would shine in three different colours: red for alphas, white for betas, blue for omegas. Purple eyes were rare.

The healer that sensed that something was different also looked at the boy and took in a deep breath out of surprise. "Oh my! Luna, you gave birth to a real alpha!" The midwife looked up too as she was preparing to examine the baby and when she found the curious round eyes shining in bright purple she cooed over him. "Oh, you little sweety, look at how beautifully your eyes shine. You are a strong wolf and you will one day be a great leader and a blessing to our pack. And you will for sure be a lot to handle for your parents. Right little troubleshooter?" When she picked up the baby to give it its first check up the little alpha boy for sure started crying violently. "Oh yes, you will be a tough cookie," the elder woman smiled at the baby while doing her routines. She also cleaned the little one and dressed him in his first onesie before she brought him back to his mother.

"What name have you chosen for your pup, Luna?" the healer asked while doing the paperwork to register the newest member of their pack.

"It's Jungkook," Sooae smiled at her baby who already started moving around, opening his mouth wide.

The healer smiled. "That indeed is a beautiful name four our next Alpha."

The midwife made herself heard again: "Oh, the little one is hungry." She stepped next to the mother and her baby. "Then let's get you your first meal, little Jungkook." Daehee watched with pride as his mate got help breastfeeding her son for the first time. She flinched when the pup latched onto her breast sucking hard on it.

"Yes Luna, those little ones are strong. But don't worry, you will get used to it." The elderly woman smiled with compassion at her. "We will leave now. I will look after you in a few hours and see how things are going." She and the healer greeted their Alpha and Luna and left the apartment.

Finally the young family was granted some privacy for the first time. The Alpha and his Luna shared a look of pride. "So, our little baby is a real alpha. This explains all the trouble you went through during pregnancy." Dahee lovingly caressed his baby boy's head.

Sooae chuckled: "You mean the almost broken ribs and the hard kicks into every organ within reach?" She leaned into her mate and sighed deeply as if something was weighing heavily on her heart.

"What is it love?" her mate asked as her scent changed a little and underlined that something was worrying her.

"You know what they say about a real alpha's mate?" She looked up into his calming eyes that always gave her so much comfort.

"I know, Love. But maybe they were not destined for each other. I hope so at least. Yujun says that the boy was not found among the surviving children. So, either whoever attacked the pack and burnt it to the grounds got what they came for, or the boy died together with his pack." His heart felt like ripping in two for his little boy. Real alphas were often fated to be mated to a real omega, but they were extremely rare. Even more so than real alphas. Until a few days ago there had been a real omega living close by, but he presumably died when his pack got raided.

"We must arrange for more security, Alpha. What if they managed to rob the omega. Our boy could be considered a threat and ..." Sooae could not finish what she needed to speak about. The thought alone that her baby could be attacked because he was a real alpha cut not only through her heart but also through her soul. A real alpha was rumored to be able to break an already established mate bond by claiming his mate himself. So, what if the real omega had been kidnapped and later would be forced to bond? It was still considered prestigious among the very conservative packs to have claimed such a mate. Thus, her own son could be seen as a thread to this bond. He could still faintly feel a fated bond like a lingering memory of a past life if there was one in the beginning and claim his mate back with only one bite.

"I will, Love. I will protect our baby with all I have. We local leaders all have already agreed on heightening our pack security after this tragedy. Adding up on security a little more won't be a problem. I will make sure our little baby will be safe." Dahee kissed her.

Little Jungkook finally let go of his mother and his eyes closed. The parents lay next to him and finally let their wolves show who immediately started scenting him, making sure their pup would know the smell of safety and love. They started sniffing their baby and finally took in his scent: Leather and tobacco leaves. They smiled at each other in content. They finally have become a family. 

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