22 - A chance and a needy alpha

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Today was the day that maybe he would be able to set the signs for his future. Taehyung sat in the back row of the bus that was leading to the industrial area near the Stormy Shore Pack's territory that was still no-man's land. He would miss his theoretical arts class that he found so catching: 'The display of new ways of living in the context of environmental issues in contemporary art', something he took interest in though he did not burn for this topic. Hopefully he would be back for his combined arts class on handwritings. The art of calligraphy was amazing, and he would be sad if he missed it. But this appointment was more important than his studies at university. He was on his way to DE-SIGN, the company that had given him the opportunity of an extracurricular internship. If everything went as planned, he would be allowed to spend one month there and learn about their ways and how work as a graphic designer would be like. He hoped so much that he would convince the CEO's personal assistant. It was uncommon to meet a person that was working in this position for an interview, thus Taehyung felt honoured and was determined to take what he could get.

His phone pinged with a message. Taehyung knew who it would be from. He leaned his head back and smiled. He had spent his lunch break under a tree with his tray on his lap while he made sure that Jungkook took in some food. Kookie flashed in and out and every time he fronted, he was complaining and whining that he wanted to eat something completely different than this disgusting food. He demanded that Taehyung would send him nudes and that he should at least moan once so that he could get off on that.

The omega could see how the human struggled to keep his alpha wolf in check and be a good boy while forcing down his food. Jungkook had only existed to be praised in that moment, and he received a lot of it for every bite. Taehyung knew that this would be the worst day for his mate, so he was compassionate and patient.

He arrived at his bus stop and go off the bus. The company building though being one of the smaller had a mirrored glass front and the company name proudly sitting over its entrance. It was owned by DE-SIGN only, something that was not common for smaller companies. Usually they would rent off floors to other even smaller companies. When Taehyung entered the lobby, he found himself in a tall room that had a staircase leading to the upper floors and a glass desk which marked the reception. There was a woman who kindly greeted him, and Taehyung immediately knew that she was an omega. Her sweet smile warmed his heart and when she leaned over to make a call to announce his arrival at the department of preplanning when Taehyung saw that she was pregnant.

"Congratulations." He smiled politely the moment she turned back to him.

"Thank you dear." She smiled back.

"I have heard that this company is more omega friendly. May I ask whether this is your first?" Taehyung's interest in her situation took over.

"Of course you may. It is my third pup." She giggled at the other's surprised expression. "This time it is a little easier than the last two times. It seems that my body is better in dealing with being pregnant with a girl. But I am sure that you want to know how it is for me being pregnant and still working." She was so open about it. For sure she had already smelled that he was an omega, too.

"Yes, please." Taehyung felt his cheeks glowing, but he was so curious.

"I am being treated well here. Because I am seven months into my pregnancy, they do not allow me to bring you to your appointment but send a guide for you. They even gave me a chair that would be more comfortable because I have developed some back issues. My other two pups are at our pup care centre while I am working here. But when I return from maternity leave, I am planning on reducing my working hours. My mate's loan is better and taking care of those little rascals is taking a toll on me. Maybe when my oldest starts school I will work more hours again." She saw how amazed Taehyung was by all that news. "This is a modern company. It's only your qualifications that determine whether you can work here or not. Whether you are mated or even have pups is all up to you. As long as you manage to do your work they are fine with you." She beamed at the young male in front of her.

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