1 - Keep him safe

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A frantic ringing at the doorbell woke up the Alpha of Whispering Willow Pack. He looked at the clock on his bedside table and found that it was half past two in the night. With an unnerved groan he got up to answer whoever was bugging him as the ringing did not stop.

He put his feet into his slippers when his beloved mate started to squirm under the sheets. "Yujun, what's up?" she mumbled still half asleep.

"Don't worry, love. I will take care of it." Still a little groggy he went down the stairs cursing the one outside who did not stop ringing the doorbell. This one better had a good excuse because he was about to wake up their little son and when Namjoon was not able to get his night's sleep, he would be a clumsy and moody mess that was hard to take care of and even harder to please.

Finally, the Alpha reached the porch and opened the door. He was about to address whoever was behind it with a moody remark when the scent of pure distress and fear was hitting him hard. Now he was wide awake when the man that was standing before him holding a small toddler started to talk hastily: "Alpha Yujun, our pack is under attack. My Alpha sent me here to ask for your help. He gave me his son to bring him to safety and kindly asks you to take care of him until they return. You know, he is to be kept safe at all costs!"

Yujun looked at the pup and saw big round eyes looking at him shining in a bright green. The boy's hands clung to the clothes of the man, and he was shivering even though his mother had put him into warm clothes.

"Alpha Yujun, please take him! I must return. My mate and my children are still there, and I fear for the worst. They are burning houses and slaughtering wolves. It's horrible!" The man handed the boy over to the Alpha.

"Of course. Tell them to hold on. I will gather our strongest wolves and we will join you as soon as possible." Yujun took the frightened boy and held him close. He could feel the tiny body trembling and smelled his fear.

As the man spun around on his heel Yujun heard his mate come down the stairs. Probably she was aiming for the kitchen to make a cup of warm milk for their son who inevitably must have woken up by all the commotion.

"Yujun, what's going on? Why do I smell distress?" She asked rushing to his side. "Oh my God, who is this?" she asked in alarm when her eyes found the pup in his arms.

"That's Taehyung of Snowy Hill Pack, Sweetheart. I need to go and get reinforcement. They are under attack, and he was sent here for safety." The Alpha handed the boy over to his mate. Then he rushed to his study to give the call for alarm. His pack was a big pack and thus he had some tough fighters living amongst his members. He only hoped that he would not be too late. He feared for his best friend and his mate. His mate was still standing at the door swaying her hips as she was trying so hard to comfort this scared toddler in her arms. He softly kissed her on her forehead while putting on his jacket.

"Be careful, Alpha!" she whispered worry lacing her voice.

"I will, Sweetheart. But my friend and his pack need us. Remember? We never let down our allies. Wait for me." Yujun kissed her again and left in a hurry his men waiting for him a little away from their house.

The Luna sighed as she closed the door. The little pup inside her arms was still trembling with fear. With a sigh she left for the kitchen to sit down at the table. The silent patting of bare feet on the tiled floor announced the arrival of her son. She heard him carefully sniff the atmosphere and knew that this would be a long night for all of them.

"Mom, what's going on?" his tiny voice asked next to her, and she looked at the little boy. Namjoon was a toddler, too. He was only three years old but because he already proved to be intelligent beyond the average you could easily hold him for a very short grown five-year-old. She sighed. It was always hard to tell him what was going on. The boy understood situations in great detail and could imagine their consequences better that he could process for his emotions and needs were still the ones of a three-year-old. This often lead to weeks troubled with a boy that woke up screaming every night because of the nightmares he had. But luckily the boy found the toddler inside her arms. "Who is that boy?" he asked in curiosity.

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