5 - The omega and his guardian (2)

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"Don't move. ... Let's just stay like this. ... My brother ... he will be here in a minute. Please, respect me." This voice though strained sounded like the choirs of heaven to Jungkook. It was surprisingly deep but melted into his ears like the sweetest honey. And of course he would respect his mate. He never would have given taking advantage of the state his mate was in a thought. So he held him tight and ignored his own physical reaction to this heavenly scent that tried to lure him into doing things that he most likely would regret later. He ignored his growing boner and instead focused on the bliss that flowed though him as he realized that finally he was holding his mate in his arms. His beautiful mate that from now on he would shower with love and devotion, that he would court to the finest and that he would eventually win over to become his.

The two mates remained in this position until the door of the classroom burst open again and another person came rushing in. Jungkook realized how the scent of whisky and chocolate started to fill the room but when Yoongi took in the scene that unfolded right in front of him he went into protective mode. The alpha that had his eyes closed in pure bliss did not see how the round features of the others face started to sink in, his teeth became sharper, almost like needles and how his blue eyes turned into pitch black abysses. But what he realized was that suddenly the scent that had started to intrude his heavenly moment changed. The whisky and chocolate vanished as if taken away by magic and were replaced by petrichor. The next thing Jungkook heard was an unnaturally deep growl. D had switched into full demon mode and was about to attack to fight his brother out of this intrusive alpha's arms and protect him from whatever this guy had planned to do to him. But Taehyung started to cling even tighter to his mate and when D started to pull these arms away that were not supposed to sling themselves around this alpha's waist the demon found that the real omega was fighting him off. He even became aggressive and a low growl emerged from his throat warning the demon. Out of shock D took a step back and immediately Yoongi fronted again. He intensely started to release his scent to get through to Taehyung.

"For God's sake, you stinky alpha! Could you please just for a second stop polluting the environment with your smelly pheromones!" Suga, Yoongi's wolf sassed his eyes shining in a bright blue. "I am trying to get a conversation started."

The omega and the alpha exchanged looks that were beyond annoyed. "And why should I do this, omega?" Jungkook was not sure whether this was still him speaking or his wolf. Kookie had the habit of picking a fight when he would not be able to get what he deeply wanted, and this wolf was playing with fire.

"I am his brother, fleabag." The eyes of the other one flashed to a pitch black for a split second and this man's aura changed from the danger of a steamed dumpling to life threatening dangerous and back and so did his scent. It changed from whisky and chocolate to petrichor but then back again. But it was enough to tell Kookie that maybe he would find a match here, so he hesitantly tuned his own scent down.

With some effort Yoongi managed to peel Taehyungs face from the neck that he still buried it into. The demon-wolf sighed: These eyes were shining brightly and luckily the contacts that Taehyung wore were still fulfilling their purpose masking his green irises. "Tae, can you hear me?" A hum was all he got for an answer. "Tae, we need to leave."

"No." It came out in a slur as if the other was drunken to the state of being totally wasted.

"Yes, we need. So, I suggest you let go of this guy. I will carry you."

"No!" came again but this time it was more definite.

"Yes, you will." Yoongi did not raise his voice. He never did so but he never had to. Even though his words always sounded kind at first he could very well make the other feel by the undertone what he really felt when speaking and now he was annoyed and worried. Thus, this command reached the ears of the omega in heat. But Yoongi had never expected the other to shake his head in denial.

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