8 - New members to the pack (2)

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"You are really close to Namjoon-nim, Taehyung. How come?" Jimin asked while they were leaving the central marketplace again that was laced with some of the beautiful cafés and shops for young adults the pack grounds held.

"Oh, that's easy. We are brothers." Taehyung giggled by the surprised look on the other's face.

"I am sorry. You don't look alike so I thought that maybe you would be his mate or love interest." Jimin looked taken aback.

"No, we are not. But I am his brother only by adoption," the omega clarified. "But to us it means the same. I came to his family shortly before I turned two, so his parents made me feel like they are my family, too. They never have made a difference between us or our other brother. In our pack family is whom you live with and who raised you. Being bound by bloodline is just one more thing that doesn't make a difference when you are bound by heart."

"You have one more brother?" Jimin looked at Taehyung.

"Yes, but he is already working on one of his music projects for the conservatory and then you should only disturb him when you have no other choice. You know, like the house being on fire." The omega winked at the alpha. They somehow clicked extremely well and talking to Jimin was the easiest thing to Taehyung. If he had not known that fate had chosen a different mate for him, he would have doubted his own feelings now.

Thinking about his mate! "You are working at the conservatory you said?"

"Yes, we are. It is heavenly. While Hoseok is working more in the field of HipHop, Street Dance and Breakdance, I am engaged in the various fields of contemporary dance and HipHop. But we too tutor a group of outstanding first semester students together. It's a practical course and we want to form a solid group with them that is also willing to perform on festivals and the like. We are planning to create choreographies to songs that are topping the charts, and I must say these kids really sucked the first one up like little sponges!" You could tell that Jimin was proud of this project. His eyes held a fire that showed his passion for dance.

"When you say you teach first semester students, do you happen to know a Jeon Jungkook, too?" It was worth a shot. Taehyung remembered that he had watched his mate practice dance moves with his friend during breaks back in school. He had to admit that Jungkook was extremely talented. His moves were so precise and looked so easy even though Taehyung knew they were not. He had tried some of them at home himself and found that he could manage but it was difficult.

"Oh, you mean the real alpha?" Jimin asked and received a confirming hum in response. "Yes, he is part of this special tutoring. He is highly talented, and he also brings this insane mix of devotion and ambition. If he is like this with everything he is aiming for he will for sure succeed in whatever he ever sets his eyes on. Why are you asking? Are you crushing on him, too? You know, he is very popular."

Taehyung felt the other's observant gaze on him. "It's a little more complicated than just that."

Jimin sighed. "I am afraid that you are fighting a lost battle. The rumour is going viral that he has found his mate now and that he is very loyal to them. So whatever links you to him, don't put too much trust into it." The alpha sounded so sympathetic that it made Taehyung grin.

"Well, I think I will be able to trust it even more now." Upon the curious look that he got the omega grinned his infamous boxy grin that would bring him anywhere if he was so ruthless to abuse its effect on others. "I think I can trust you with some confident piece of information. I am his mate."

"Wow, congratulations man! You have successfully broken hundreds of hearts now." Jimin grinned back and then they burst into a fit of giggles.

"Yo, Jimin-ah! Can you come over for a second?" Hoseok asked for his mate to come by his side and the other did so without hesitation. "Namjoon-nim said that we could live in this house during our probation time. What do you think?" He pointed out a smaller house that was usually used for a pair of housemates to live in until they would find their mates and decide to move in with them. It was not far from the one of the marketplace they had just left and Taehyung knew that it was one of the furnished homes and thus ready to move at any time.

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