17 - How do we do this

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Taehyung has never been so impatient. Mondays always had a different vibe than any other day of the week. It was like sobering up from an intense road trip while reality smacked you hard around your head. You could no longer structure your day the way you wanted. But that was nothing new to him. But what was new was this intense restlessness inside of him.

On the one hand he and V could not wait until lunch break and on the other they dreaded what might await them. And what made it worse than anything else was time itself. To be honest today time seemed not so much a constant ticking away in a steady rhythm but resembled more a highly flexible continuum that could bend and stretch at its own delight. And today it seemed to trap him in a swamp of slow progression with the only aim to mock him. While in art time was usually displayed as sand in an hourglass flowing mercilessly today he would have painted it as a thick gel that would crawl over the skin of the universe. It just would not go steady and never as fast as you would expect it to go.

During his first class of the day which was some theory on the development of Jazz and the influence of contemporary sociological and political events, which he found very interesting by the way, he was constantly doodling on his script mocking time. He took delight in kicking its ass as well as pushing it over a cliff just to make it flow a little faster. Meanwhile Yoongi next to him was also in a different state. He was constantly grinning and humming a tune in a low voice over and over again changing it from time to time or murmuring little phrases. Taehyung was sure he was composing something brand new being inspired by his mates. When he started tapping little rhythms with his fingers on the side of his table the omega had to nudge his brother because he attracted too much attention. But somehow, he was in such a good mood that he even gave him a look that could best be interpreted as 'just go on drawing and do not disturb my rhythms more than would be good for you'. Even D flashed for a short moment and indicated to not disturb Yoongi while he was composing. The demon must have liked what was going on inside the human's mind. Taehyung knew that they shared it just as much as humans and wolves did. This left no room for privacy, but they were used to it and did not mind. They had lived like this all their lives.

His next class before lunch break was design. And Taehyung could for his life not concentrate on what was the topic today. He surely liked it, and it would be interesting to him but it was just not possible today. He started fidgeting after ten minutes, ten more minutes into the lecture and he was checking his phone for the time that the student sitting next to him gave him an annoyed side eye most likely thinking that he would not be interested in the subject at all and show a rude behaviour. But he was not. He was just nervous to the point of breaking.

What would Jungkook suggest. Would he be able to resist suggestions that he would not approve of in these strong arms that hopefully would hold him and this so alpha-like scent of leather and tobacco leaves. Would he want to make it public? Could they hide their relationship anyway? Would he want to hide it? How did his parents react? Did they demand that they would bond in the near future? Would they accept that he wanted to work and postpone a family? Would they accept a male omega as a son in-law. After all the role of a Luna commonly was fulfilled by a female. He was very sure that his father would accept Jungkook after he found out that the real alpha was willing to support him but what about Namjoon? His brother had these dominant protective alpha treats that were not to be underestimated. He would fight a whole pack if it meant to protect one of his own people and he would be merciless if needed. Would he accept a real alpha? But he had always supported Taehyung so why should it be different this time? Well, Jungkook was a real alpha which meant that he too had heightened instincts that could make things more difficult for them, but he trusted his mate.

The man sitting next to him grunted in annoyance and Taehyung realized that he in addition to all the other unnerving actions he showed he also had started sighing frequently. He called himself to order and tried to focus on the lecture. Tried. With only little to no success. But he tried.

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