7 - Turning down secondary gender expectations (1)

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Taehyung was walking down the corridors of the arts department coming from his lecture on theoretical arts called "Secondary gender and its representation in art". He instantly knew why this lecture would be held to only a few students: the professor seemed everything but progressive. Taehyung allowed himself to get lost in his thoughts because not many people were around, and he was thankful for that. As this lecture was lowly frequented and only taken by art majors he could spend some time inside his head thinking about the recent events. After his heat he had had to take another day off to get back on his feet as this time had been worse than ever before, meaning that today already was Friday and in contrary to his original intentions he had to sign up to his courses via online reservation and confirm them next week.

Yesterday at dinner at home Yoongi had told Taehyung that Jungkook had contacted him every day after he had seen him off and had asked about how he was, making the wolf-demon literally jump with scare every time the other almost ambushed him. Taehyung thought that this was a sweet gesture of his mate and thus he had expected that he could not avoid the real alpha but would be cornered the moment he sat foot inside the tract where the lectures for business were held as they had had a lecture together first this morning. Yoongi had warned his brother that they shared this subject with him. Therefore, it would have been an easy thing for his mate to corner him and confront him with his past behaviour. But surprisingly he did not. He had left in a rush, but Taehyung had felt his searching eyes find and not leave him during the whole lecture. V had jumped inside his head like a little puppy with heart eyes and giggling giddily which he had not found helpful at all. It gave the worn-out human so much more trouble focussing on what his professor told his students. But the huge ball of fluff inside him did not bother to tune it down a little bit.

When Taehyung turned around another corner in the corridor still deeply engaged in his train of thoughts that again went the direction of Jungkook despising him for avoiding him in school he crashed into a strong chest and a muscular arm slung around his waist making sure he would not fall over. With shock the omega looked up to find the eyes that had lingered in his every thought. Softly Jungkook let go of his waist but gently grabbed him by the wrist and softly pulled him to a more private place, namely a vacated classroom. Well, he did not really pull him but led the way.

"Are you free now?" He did not block his way and Taehyung knew that if he had said no and left, he would have been free to leave. But he did not want to.

"Yes, I am." They exchanged looks and Taehyung could see the sadness that lingered in his mate's eyes like a soft veil covering his wonderful brown irises that could turn to the most beautiful purple that the omega could imagine. If his memory was not all meddled up by his heat and the raging hormones that had him at their mercy.

"Why do you avoid me?" His alpha's voice was so soft and melodic and now it was soaked in worry and fear. It was the voice of a well-formed tenor that resonated so warmly with his heartbeat.

It was the question that Taehyung had dreaded the most and he did not like to answer it because it would probably mean to break his heart in two. He would not meet his expectations and this for sure would leave two wolves with a broken heart to survive the rest of the day. But the real alpha's eyes never once left his face after they have searched his neck only once carefully. Probably to find any bite marks which of course were not there. Why would there be one? But Jungkook did not stop looking at Taehyung and he could feel the real alpha power slowly but gently pressing down on him. His scent made his legs weak, and he felt like all he should be doing now is bow down and present his neck in submission. But he did not want to.

"Will you stop this?" Taehyung growled through clenched teeth.

With a jolt Jungkook took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second as if he was trying to calm down. "I am sorry. I did not mean to do this. My wolf ... he is a little to focussed on finding out why you have hidden away from us." The mumbling words came out like sweet but saddening melody. What the young man did not say out loud but was obvious was that the realization hit hard on him and his wolf; so hard that it left them in a state of deep pain and insecurity.

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