Part 9

453 17 22

//italics: thinking - Bold: time skips - btw, happy late pride!//


   It had been 6 months already, and I was finally healed. The doctor said there would be lasting side effects, such as dizziness or waves of nausea if I pushed myself too hard, but I simply took it as a side note and continued my training at the 141's base alongside the other operators. 

   Over time, I had began to break their tough walls down and come to realize that these men were all really funny and kind. I had even created close friendships with some, like Soap and König and a few others.

   Captain Price had even offered me a spot on their team as Second Lieutenant, and after some deep thinking, I agreed.

-End Flashback-

   I was busy tidying up my quarters, my roommate gone on a mission. I wanted to surprise her to a clean room when she got back, but a heavy knock on the door tore me from my chore.

   "Y/N, it is me, König," the familiar sound of my friend drifted through the wood, and a smile already began to tug at my lips. I set the laundry I had been folding aside and flung open the door. I was greeted by the mountain of skin and fabric blocking my door, as always, but I had grown used to it.

   "Hey König, what's up?" I asked him, having to crane my neck back slightly to meet his eyes under his hood. 

//SIDE NOTE!! Ik König probably isn't actually 6'10" because there is a height limit of 6'7" for the Austrian military, however, for my story I want him to be 6'10" because I want him to seem as imposing and scary as possible for future events. Plus, it's my story and I'll do what I want 😋 (jk)//

   "Price wanted me to collect you, and for us to meet in his office. He has some important news for you," he replied, tilting his head down and using one hand to hold back his hood so we could "lock eyes". His eyes were squinted up under his mask, and I had come to think that his little smile was kind of cute, with how little of it I could see anyways. 

   "Oh, okay! Lead the way," I gestured for him to walk in front of me and he did, nodding his head as he turned around. We made small talk as we walked, gossiping about anything we had heard from other operators recently as well as old past missions. I was telling him about a particularly gruesome mission of mine from back when I was in the 'Coyote' taskforce, when we reached Price's office.

   König lifted a hand to knock and then the door was flung open by Soap, who greeted us both with a grin. We walked into Price's office, a place I had been many times before, and the heady smell of cigars greeted me. Price was reclined back at his desk, his boots up on the dark wood as he puffed out a breath of smoke.

   I glanced round, taking in the familiar dark red interior of the room, with its velvet accents and dark atmosphere, only to spot a few more operators already sitting on the big cushy couch Price had against the near wall.

   "Vixen, König," Price's gruff voice snapped me out of my sudden trance and I walked up to his desk, my head slightly tilted in question. "I have a mission for you. Vixen, you and the Colonel are going to Chicla, a little town North East of Lima in Peru. We've got some intel about a suspicious persons we need you to hunt down for us. The rest of the boys will also be partnering up to find other persons on the list, so you might want to work together," he gestured over towards the couch where the other operators were sitting and I finally noticed the stack of files sitting on the table between us.

   I nodded my head, giving Price a quick, "yes sir," before heading over to the table and picking up a file. I flipped through it for a moment before a hand yanked it out of my grasp.

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