Part 4

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// Italics: Emphasis/Thinking. Bold: Emphasis. Quotation: Talking/Sarcasm.//

//Y/ff: your favorite food. Y/fc: your favorite color and so on//

   "So," I started, pausing to draw in a shallow breath, "If König is your callsign, then what's your real name?" I asked hesitantly, furrowing my eyebrows slightly. König hummed in thought, his eyes narrowing under that hood of his.

   "My real name isn't important." He replied after a moment of his own hesitation, his voice slow and deeper than normal. I tilted my head at him, confusion taking over my expression.

   "Why not?"

   "Because. I prefer to keep it confidential. Only my Mutter and Vater know it. And I suppose it is on my file, but my comrades only know me as König." He answered back, leaning forward to set his elbow against his knee, his chin resting against his closed fist. "Why?" He asked after a moment, clearly noticing how confused I looked.

   "Oh, just wondering. I mean, I did tell you my real name without hesitation." I huffed back softly, raising my eyebrows at him as I shifted my own seating position.

 "I suppose you did, ja." He mused, eyes crinkling up again. My knees shifted up, my feet propping them up as I laid back slightly against the pillows on my cot, one arm going up behind my head absentmindedly. "But I would say that was poor planning on your part." He finished, tilting his head slightly, his eyes flickering to watch my legs move under my blanket for a few seconds before he met my gaze again.

   "Are you uncomfortable?" He asked warmly, pushing his chair back and standing up, motioning over to another chair across the room that held a stack of clean blankets. "I can get you another blanket or two if you'd like."

   "No thanks, I'm good. Besides, I can get up and walk fine." I huffed, shaking my head and furrowing my brows again at him. He simply nodded and sat back down, using one large hand to pull his chair closer to my cot before settling himself on it again.

   "So..." He started after a moment, leaning back and looking up towards the ceiling, his arms folding over his chest, "what's your favorite color?"

   I raised my eyebrows at him curiously, thinking for a moment before clearing my throat gently.

   "Y/fc. What about you, König?" I returned his question, shifting my hips slightly to try and get more comfortable on the mildly stiff cot. It was easy to stay on and sleep on, but sit for too long and it got uncomfortable.

   "Red, it is a nice color." His words were almost awkward, like he didn't know how to hold this conversation. He scratched at his fore-arm lazily, his eyes sliding over the ceiling some more before he looked back down slowly, clearing his throat, and then looking down into his lap.

   "Uh, what about food?" He asked, his voice growing slightly softer as he suddenly avoided my gaze.

   "I like Y/ff. And you?" I gave him a confused look, my eyebrows raising slightly as I watched him look so awkward.

   "Sausage." His answers were growing shorter, like he was uncomfortable talking to me suddenly. There was a heavy silence between us for a few moments, neither of us quite knowing how to keep the conversation going.

   "Uh, are you alright?" I asked awkwardly, leaning towards him slightly with a hint of worry in my tone. He was acting weird, and what was more concerning was how he always seemed to get like this after just a few minutes of talking.

   "Oh, uh, ja. I'm fine." He answered stiffly, nodding his head before glancing off to the side. I caught a glimpse of his eyes, narrowed and small. Maybe he was actually uncomfortable talking to me.

   He glanced down at his watch before clearing his throat, pushing himself up from his chair to tower over me again.

   "Well, I must go. Paperwork calls. Good bye, Y/N." He then gave me a quick wave, his heavy boots thudding against the floor as he made his way towards the door.

   I let him go, watching as he left so abruptly, leaving me alone again.

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