Chapter 1

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It was a dark and stormy night, the clouds gloomed threateningly over the city that never sleeps. The rain hasn't hit this hard in months, like someone did something to piss it off and now it's taking it revenge out on the city. It didn't show signs of letting up, not even by an inch. The falling rain hit the ground with such force, making each rain drop sound like drum sticks hitting the snare drum of a newly built drum set.

The sky was eerily lit, showing no light, except the white light that radiated off the moon. The city was bathed in a creepy darkness, as if all the happiness was evicted. The happiest person could walk into the city and feel worse than a abused child.

Oroku Saki sighed deeply as he stared out the large window, although he couldn't see very far due to the rain. But he saw enough to make the feeling in his gut become worse. He pressed his forehead against the cool glass, feeling it infiltrate him and soon take over his whole body. Leaving him feeling like a ghost of his former self.


"Get that crap out of here Leo... I don't even want to look at you anymore!" Raph yelled, his voice radiated throughout the lair.

"What, now you're just going to give up?" Leo yelled back, never feeling this angry. "It's not like you to give up so easily, or have you actually realized that this was all your fault?"

"Listen you sack of crap, what happened tonight wasn't even close to being my fault... It was your stupid plan that failed! You're the leader, your just blabbering like a baby because you think you're so perfect."

"Listen to yourself. You're the one acting like a kid, yelling and insults won't help you here Raph. It only admits that you're losing!" Leo screamed.

"Oh, you want to see losing?" Raph yelled, "Here's losing for you!" Raph grabbed a snow globe that Mikey bought one day and launched it at Leo.

Leo, not expecting an attack so soon, took the snow globe right in the face. He fell back and held his face, feeling warm, fresh blood run from his nose and through his fingers. He took the hand away from his face, examining the blood.

"Raph!" Leo said in disbelief.

"For once...I don't regret that." Raph said angrily.


Oroku Saki raised a hand and placed it on the window, thoughts running through his head about that damn turtles. 'I need to find a way to rid those freaking turtles, but every time I try, they always find a way to thwart me.' Saki thought.

He forcefully rammed his head against the window in anger, the windows were strong so it left nothing but a ache in Saki's head. He clenched his fists in a ball and tightened every muscle in his body. He swung his head back and forced it against the window, smashing it into little pieces. He relieved his anger as the rain from outside traveled through the broken window and landed on Saki's suit. He felt the fresh drop of blood roll down his forehead and travel down his cheekbone and onto his neck.


"Are you really going to resort to physical violence toward your brother because you can't admit that you screwed up?" Leo screamed.

"SHUT UP!" Raph screamed as he ran toward Leo, who still laid on the ground. Raph lifted his knee and intended to hit Leo in the face, but Leo caught his foot and slammed Raph into the ground.

"What is wrong with you? Hitting a ninja while he's on the ground is not what honor is about." Leo screamed at Raph.

"Forget honor!" Raph said.

Leo felt as though a load of bile came from his stomach and into his throat, refraining him from speaking.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Raph said mockingly, "You know, Leo...I have no idea what that old rat was thinking when he made you leader. You're not a leader; You're a baby."

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