Chapter 19

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Leo looked through the window, his leaden feet stumbling awkwardly towards the heavy metal door. He grabbed hold of the handle and pulled the door open, panic welling from deep within him. He was terrified that he was too late to save his last living brother.

The door hit the wall with a resounding crash, the occupants of the room turned their attention towards him.

The room was four times as big as the cell that he had been housed in. The walls, floor, and ceiling were lined with concrete blocks. In the center of the barren, torch lit room, was a table. The table had a figure covered with a white, bloodstained sheet, the red tails of a mask hung over the edge.

Behind the table was the Shredder, standing over the figure, as if it was some great curiosity, his claws still dripping crimson gore onto the floor.

"Shredder!" Leo howled, his voice breaking with grief, anger, and venomous hatred for the man who stood across the room. "Raph!" He shouted at the sheet covered figure, praying that his brother was still alive.

Leo charged across the room with two objectives in mind; Get to his brother, and kill the Shredder, as brutally as possible. Leo's charge was stopped short as two of the Shredder's Elite Guards appeared in front of him in a cloud of dark mist. The one to his left was armed with a double bladed sword, the other was armed with a double bladed axe. Their straw sugegasa pulled low over their eyes, their red tattered cloaks thrown back in anticipation of the upcoming battle.

Leonardo blocked the attack of the double bladed sword with his pipe, as he managed to dodge the oncoming attack of the axe blade. He strained against the strength of the Elite Guard, whose red eyes burned into Leo's very soul.

Leo fell back a step, his arms shaking with the effort to hold off the ferocious attack. His vision swam and darkened around the edges. He felt himself fall to one knee. The Elite was caught completely off guard, which caused him to stumble forward slightly. Leo used this opportunity to lash out with his leg, causing the Elite to tumble to the ground. Unfortunately, the Elite recovered himself too quickly for Leo's comfort.

Leo rolled out of the way, just as the axe came down right where his head had been.

Leo shot a desperate look towards the motionless body that lay covered on the table. He looked at the Shredder who stood, arms crossed over his chest, watching the proceedings with mild interest, his eyes buried deep within the shadows of his helmet.

"What have you done with Raphael!" Leo roared as he struggled to his feet, his stomach clenching in fear and pain.

The Shredder did not answer as the Elite Guards came at Leo again. Leo drew the machete from his belt, and crouched into a defensive position.

"You are going to pay for everything!" Leo yelled. "I am going to make you suffer for what you did to me and my family!" He snarled. "Do you hear me you murdering, sick, son of a...! I will never stop trying to kill you, even if it costs me my life!" He screamed, even as he felt tears of frustration threatening to fall from his eyes. He couldn't do it. He couldn't beat a normal Foot ninja at the moment, let alone two of the Shredder's Elite Guards.

The Shredder moved then, walking calmly over to the wall, and picking up a torch from a metal holder in the wall.

Distracted by the Shredder's movements, he momentarily took his eyes from his bloodthirsty opponents, which proved to be a mistake, as pain split open from his thigh. Red hot agony, fast and virulent, robbed Leo of nearly every coherent thought he had. Stumbling back in surprise, he tried to stem the red tide that poured from his thigh.

His carapace struck the wall as he watched the now, bloodstained axe swing towards him again. He brought his machete and pipe up, as he ducked and rolled between the two Elite Guards. He quickly got to his feet, his left leg threatening to collapse beneath him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the torch touch the white sheet of the figure lying on the table.

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