Chapter 20

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Leo's captors dragged him from the room, where Raph's body lay in a growing pool of his own blood. Leo's heart clenched in bitter grief, and self loathing. He still struggled against his captors, desperate to get back to his brother's body. But he was growing weaker with each breath he took, and his vision was becoming blurry, and starting to darken around the edges. He felt numb with grief, and didn't care if he lived or died, he didn't even care where they were dragging him.

Leo was vaguely aware of his captors having dragged him through a set of double doors, and into a large room. He saw shackles hanging from the ceiling, and shackles bolted to the floor. Leo didn't even struggle as he was dragged to the chains, and shackled roughly into the iron cuffs. He was suspended in the air, spread eagle, awaiting whatever gruesome fate it was that the Shredder planned next for him.

Not that he cared, there was nothing left for him here now. Everyone he had cared about, was dead. All Leo could do, was hope and pray that death would be merciful, and claim him soon, and finally end this malevolent, unending nightmare.

His vision began to dim further. Leo realized dully, that he was losing too much blood. He could feel the warm liquid of his lifeblood running down his side, plastron, and thigh. He closed his eyes, too tired to keep them open any longer. Leo began to believe that the Shredder was going to let him hang in the center of the room, and slowly bleed to death. This thought flitted briefly through his mind, until the sound of a door opening snapped him back to alertness; someone had entered the room.

Leo cracked opened his eyes. He had been expecting to see the Shredder, but instead, it was the Doctor who had tended to him before, along with his two women assistants.

"What do you want?" Leo asked, his voice emotionless.

"To treat your injuries, of course." The Doctor answered impassively. "We wouldn't want you to bleed to death, now would we?" He asked rhetorically.

"What's the point?" Leo asked despondently. "The Shredder wants me dead anyway."

"We have our orders." The Doctor said stiffly, as he motioned to his assistants. The Doctor himself, placed a large first aid kit down on the floor with a thump, and opened it up with a loud click.

The two women began wiping away the blood on his plastron, with what looked to be sterile towels soaked in alcohol. The Doctor began filling a syringe with a cloudy liquid, as well as neatly setting out various medical instruments out on a small metal tray.

Leo fought against the need to wince and flinch in pain, as his stomach clenched tightly at each raw, rough scrape of the towels across his badly, wounded body. The pain was unbearable, but he knew he deserved the pain. He deserved so much more than just this brief agony. Leo accepted the pain, and did not let one whimper or cry escape through his parched lips.

The Doctor nodded once he was finished, and inspected his wounds more closely. The wounds bled profusely, after the harsh scrubbing they were given.

"The wounds are quite deep." The Doctor pronounced dispassionately. "If we don't want him to bleed to death, we are going to have to suture the wounds closed."

"Are we going to put him sedate him for that?" One of the women asked icily.

"The Master wanted him to be awake for everything this time. Well, at least for how long he can remain conscious anyway." Was the uncaring reply.

Leo looked at the Doctor dully. He knew what to expect. Donny had patched him up more than a few times in his life. His heart clenched at the thought of his genius brother, but no tears trickled down his cheeks. He had no doubt, that he would be with his family and friends soon.

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