Chapter 23

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The Doctor looked at the Foot soldier who stood in front of him. "Excellent." He said, as the Foot soldier informed him that the mutants had managed to discover their brother, and had dragged him from the oubliette, which meant that the Doctor was allowed to play some more.

The Doctor gave the Foot soldier a maniacal grin, as he stood and followed the ninjas from their position across the street from the building, where he had performed most of his trials and experiments on his unwilling test subject.

He watched from the shadows, as he saw the mutant brothers carry a stretcher, covered with a black sheet to their concealed truck. They appeared to be suffering symptoms of raw grief, if the tears that still glistened on their cheeks were any indication. He was impressed that they had managed to find their brother. That they had been too late was blatantly obvious, but this heart wrenching outcome pleased the Doctor immensely.

The Doctor was under orders to leave the body of the mutant freak in the deep, dark confines of the oubliette until the end of time. However, if the brothers, by some great miracle, managed to find their lost brother, the Doctor was allowed to take the body of the dead mutant freak, and dissect it to his heart's content. The thought of adding three more specimens to his vast collection filled his heart with anticipatory glee.

"Get me the body of the freak on the stretcher." He ordered the ten ninjas, who had been stationed with him to keep an eye out on the building, since it was discovered that the Shredder's computer system had been hacked. "If it is possible bring me the other three, preferably alive and intact. If this seems to be too hard a task for you, the body will do just fine." He said with a cold, almost predatory smile on his face, as he waited for his prey to be brought back to him.


Raph's eyes caught the faint movement of something dark moving against an even darker background of shadows. He felt his heart liven with a surge of adrenaline as the Foot soldiers broke away from the darkness, and slowly stalked towards them. Raphael smiled with malicious anticipation. Mikey and Donnie froze, Leo's body carried on the stretcher between them.

Raph's entire being screamed in mindless rage at those who had dared to take his brother from him. Raph didn't even wait for all of the ninjas to reveal themselves. His sais cried out for blood and death... and he was only too happy to oblige.

With a bloodcurdling battle cry, Raph leapt at the first ninja. His fist struck the Foot ninja's cheek with a sickening, yet holy satisfying crunch. The ninja tumbled to the ground in a senseless heap. "You are all dead!" Raphael roared, amber eyes blazing, as he kicked another advancing Foot soldier in the chest, sending him stumbling back into another ninja, both falling to the ground in a heap, as two more ninjas took their place.

The two ninjas leapt at him, both brandishing katanas in their hands, which only inflamed Raph's rage even more. Seeing the ninjas bear the type of weapon so dear to his fallen brother's heart, sent Raph into a black rage. Nothing could stop him.

His sais sang as they ripped through flesh and muscle, the horrified screams of his victims echoed throughout the chilly night. The last of his victims slid from the metal tips of his sais, his blood added to that of his fellow companions.

There was an unearthly silence and stillness that hung about the air, as Raph looked at his bloodstained hands with a dull kind of horror. He had no regrets at what he had done, and yet at the same time, he knew that some small part of him would perhaps one day regret the brutal taking of lives this night.

Raph turned, his gaze frantically searching for his younger siblings, praying that they were alright. They both stood slightly away from the truck, armed with bloodied weapons as well, the ground around them littered with the fallen bodies of their enemies. Mikey's cheeks were stained with blood soaked tears, his face a mask of horrified misery, as if he couldn't believe that his hands were now soaked with blood. Donnie's features were just as miserable, but grim determination, rather than misery, hung about him.

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