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It was pitch black outside now and Amelia was softly humming to herself as she wiped down the tables ready to close for the night. She only had a few jobs left before she was ready to go home to the love of her life.

The dark wasn't anything that had ever scared Mia. She had always found it to be quite calming and she loved late night walks and looking up at the stars. It would always calm her down if she was ever feeling stressed.

She had no idea that what she once found comforting was going to be the thing that broke her.

She just finished wiping down the last table , she was gathering her things to get ready to leave and all the lights were shut off so it was just a loud silence filling the pre-school room, ready for the children to change that the next day with their playful yelling and laughing.

Mia huffed to herself. She realised she needed the code for the alarm. She figured that it was going to be in the office, which Marjorie had left unlocked in case they needed to retrieve something.

Mia slowly made her way down the hall towards the office, it was quite dark but she knew where she was going, she remembered that Marjorie kept the code on a post it note attached to the right side of her computer screen. She finally reached the office and walked inside and the door had shut itself behind her, it usually did that.

She heard footsteps approaching the office door and usually she would have investigated something like this but today she didn't, she brushed it off thinking it was maybe, Marjorie, Charlotte or even Reece. When the footsteps stopped outside the office door, Mia still looking for the post it note, startled by the hand that suddenly grabbed her wrist making her phone go flying and the other muffling her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

The voice that followed was definitely not one she recognised.

"If you scream, you'll regret it"
He steadily took his hand away, trusting the redhead not to scream.

It was not Charlotte
Nor Marjorie
Nor Reece

It was unfamiliar to her.

She froze.

She couldn't make out what he said to her, she was in a state of panic. Everything was like a blur. Moving in slow motion. His hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. She couldn't do anything. For the first time in a long time, she was helpless, she couldn't scream, move or even attempt to fight back. He was too strong for her.

She was frozen.

Unbreakable To Broken (TW- SA AND OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE TOPICS - READ DESC)Where stories live. Discover now