Weakening. Charlottes POV

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9pm was approaching quickly and Mia still wasn't home.

Do I ring her? I didn't want her to think I was checking up on her even though I was.

As each minute grew closer to 9, her worry increased.

Mia would usually send her at least one text to keep her at ease. Even if it was just to let her know that she was okay or if she was on her way back. Mia was aware that Charlotte panicked a lot.

it hit 9pm.

Char kept picking up her phone and instantly putting it down, hesitant to call her. it was all she wanted to do.

Where was she? was she okay? she's never late. why hadn't she messaged or rang to let me know where she was?

Charlottes mind was racing with thoughts. not a single one had a good outcome.

Her eyes were fixated on the window, every car giving her hope that it would turn onto the driveway. when it kept going and didn't stop, another crazy thought entered charlottes mind.

Mia was all she could think about.


Charlotte gave in and clicked on 'sweetheart' in her contacts, her palms were slightly damp with sweat and hit call.

Charlotte impatiently held the phone to her ear expecting Mia to pick up instantly.

it rang...

Why wasn't she picking up?

it kept ringing...


''MIA!- W''

''-unfortunately Mia cant come to the phone right now, did you think I answered? god I would've loved to have seen the look on your face just then''

it went to voicemail.

Charlotte always Laughed at Mia's voicemail but this time it nearly made her Cry.

Charlotte instantly called the number back and waited.

but this time she picked up.

Mia didn't say anything.

Char listened for a second before saying anything.

She could hear Mia's slight breathing on the other end of the phone but something felt off, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Charlotte decided to speak.

"Amelia! Where are you, I was getting worried" Charlotte snapped but in sweet and caring manner.

she waited for Mia's response

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm on my way back now" Mia was unusually quiet, it was almost like a whisper.

Hearing Mia apologise was rare.

"Mia? Are you okay? You sound like you're about to cry" Charlotte questioned her with obvious concern.

"Yeah of course sweetheart, I'm just tired. I'll see you soon" Mia tried reassuring charlotte.

"Okay Mia, I love you" she was unconvinced, but she didn't think Mia would lie to her so she let it go.

Charlottes thoughts had slowed down and she began to feel calm again. unlike how Mia was feeling right now 15 minutes down the road.

all she could do now was wait for Mia to come home...


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