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As she walked into the office, she was met with both Marjorie's and Charlottes concerned eyes. She was dreading the conversation that was about to follow, she knew they had questions and she wasn't ready for them.

Marjorie wasn't very fond of Mia at all, but she still had a heart. She knew when to put all the unnecessary hatred behind her. 

''Mia, we don't want to pressure you but has something happened my love?''

Mia could not have them find out. As much as the guilt and shame was eating her alive, she didn't want to offload that onto anyone else. It wasn't their problem, they didn't need to know.

''no I'm just tired, I didn't get much sleep last night''

Charlotte looked around, she didn't know what to say. She was worried for Mia but she couldn't help but feel like it was something she had done.

Marjorie glanced at Charlotte and she couldn't stand to see her upset, so she wanted to be direct.

''Mia, I told Charlotte about what happened this mornin-''

Mia was instantly filled with rage.

''why?! you had no right to tell her, I said I didn't want Char to know! Why does no one listen when someone doesn't want something?!''

She instantly regretted what she had just said.

Charlotte and Marjorie looked at her in shock, this rang alarm bells in their minds.

What did she mean by that?

Mia quickly tried to turn it round, tripping over her words ''wait no, I didn't mean that, I- I'm sorry'' 

Before they could say anything, she had gone. She ran out the office and she left.

Mia got in her car and just drove, no intentions of turning around.

They wouldn't care if she was gone. She just wanted to disappear, Mia didn't even think about how Charlotte would feel, she just kept driving. 

Mia was losing hope. She didn't know what to do anymore. The thoughts were getting too much, they were taking over.

Mia had done some bad things in her past, but what did she do to deserve this? was it karma? if it was, The punishment far outweighs the crime.

Where was she going?

Tears streamed down her face as she drove, she felt so stupid for what she had just said to them. It wasn't their fault, why did she have to take her anger out on them? The realisation hit her suddenly that they would infact panic if she disappeared. They didn't need to be punished for this. She pulled over and just stared out the window rethinking everything. Charlotte was everything to her and she couldn't lose her over this. Maybe it was time to tell Char what happened.

Mia started the car and she began to drive back but she panicked as she planned out the conversation she wanted to have with Charlotte. She trusted her but she didn't know how she would react at the information. 

Charlottes reaction was deterring her from opening up. 

Charlotte is so sweet and caring but would this hurt her? Would she blame herself for leaving early. Would she look at me differently? Would she treat me differently? The multiple outcomes filled Mia's brain and they were mostly bad. Mia just wanted Charlottes support. She grew frustrated with what to choose.

Do I tell her? or do I keep it to myself?

Unbreakable To Broken (TW- SA AND OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE TOPICS - READ DESC)Where stories live. Discover now