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Mia started waking up and reached for her phone, but it was missing. Had she misplaced it? She searched everywhere but found nothing. Char was already up, could she have taken it? But why would Char do that?

Mia took a deep breath and headed downstairs. She was met with Charlotte looking at her, clearly upset but trying to hide it. "Hey sweetheart, have you seen my phone?" Mia asked, trying to keep her voice steady. Charlotte was still looking at her but not saying anything, She took a deep breath before softly asking ''Mia, have you got something you want to tell me?'' She looked down at her lap afraid of Mia's answer. Mia was taken by surprise by this, Why was she avoiding the question? ''What do you mean Char?''. Charlotte looked up at her, she knew she was hiding something but she didn't think it was this?

Mia was infact hiding something, but what the secret was and what Charlotte thought it was, were very different.

''I really don't want you to lie to me Amelia, I thought you loved me?'' Tears were beginning to fill her eyes as she said this. Mia felt her heart drop as she heard this. Of course I loved her, What has made her think I don't? Mia thought to herself. ''Sweetheart? Of course I love you, what do you mean?'' Mia said as she went to put her hand on Charlottes, when she pulled away, Mia felt a wave of sorrow, she had never pulled away from her before. What did she know? 

Charlotte hesitated for a second before pulling out the phone from behind her. Mia's eyes widened ''Why have you got my phone? I've been looking for it.'' Charlotte didn't respond, she unlocked the phone and opened messages, before showing Mia what she had found she said ''Mia when show you this, please just tell me the truth.'' She then proceeded to show Mia the messages. As Mia read them her heart sank further into her chest, covering her mouth taking a few steps back. As Charlotte read Mia's face, her reaction to the texts was all she needed to know. She clearly knew who he was or she would question it.

''Who is this?'' Charlotte made eye contact with Mia but all she could see was fear. Why was she scared? because she had been caught? Maybe she should have told the truth from the beginning. Mia looked back at Charlotte and it finally clicked what she was insinuating. ''Charlotte, I promise it isn't what you think!'' Mia exclaimed as she could feel the tears forming behind her eyes. ''then tell me Mia what is it, if not that?'' Charlotte felt betrayed that Mia was hiding something. If they don't have trust then what do they have?

Mia didn't know what to say, she wanted to tell her so bad but she was unsure of how Charlotte would react. She didn't know whether she would rather have Charlotte know the truth or think she cheated. She couldn't find it in her to tell Charlotte, she did trust her but if he found out, would he do something? There were multiple reasons she couldn't bring herself to tell her. Mia stayed silent.

''Amelia? please can you just tell me what is going on, tell me its not true?'' Charlotte hopefully said looking at Mia. ''Its not what you think but I'm sorry sweetheart I cant, its better for you if you don't know'' Mia said trying to hide her sobs. Charlotte just nodded her head as a tear rolled down her cheek and stood up ''I cant be in a relationship based on a lie if you refuse to tell me the truth, I'm sorry'' Mia swung her head round hearing this. ''What do you mean sweetheart?'' She said in shock, the thought of losing her Char made her feel sick. ''Mia I love you, but I cant stay in this relationship if you wont tell me the truth, you've been acting weird these past few days and I thought how you were acting was my fault and these texts tell me that you're seeing someone else. I'm sorry.''

She pleaded with Charlotte not to leave her, but Charlotte was serious. They were both in tears. They didn't want to lose each other, they knew that, but this affected both of them, even though Charlotte didn't know the truth. He had won.

She gave in, tears were streaming down her face ''Fine Charlotte, I cant force you to stay, but...''

Guys I'm so sorry for this, I'm going into hiding now.


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