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Charlotte left the room to visit the office, leaving Mia with the children. She had an observation she needed to print off. Marjorie was sat down at her desk typing away at her computer, she didn't hear Charlotte come in until the printer turned on. Marjorie wanted to talk about what she saw with Mia but she was still hesitant to do so.

''Charlot- actually never mind'' Marjorie instantly regretted opening her mouth and went back to typing.

Charlotte was unfocused and she didn't even hear Marjorie speak, she was still replaying how Mia had reacted moments ago.

Marjorie gave her the same sceptical look that she gave Mia.

''My love, are you okay?''

Charlotte instantly put her focus on Marjorie, taking her away from the thoughts of Mia for a split second. She put a smile on her face.

''Sorry Marjorie, yes I am. I Just have something on my mind at the moment.'' she replied.

''oh, is it about what's happening with Mia?'' Marjorie asked, thinking she knew what was going with Mia.

Charlotte instantly turned to look Marjorie in the eye with a confused look.

''How did you know it was about Mia? Do you know what's happening with her?''

Marjorie realised that Charlotte was also unaware of why Mia was acting like this

Marjorie debated for a second whether to tell Charlotte before deciding it was the right thing to do.

Charlotte could see it on Marjorie's face that she knew something and she was about to find out.

''well?'' Charlotte rushed Marjorie to spit it out, desperate to know the answer.

''Okay so I messaged her this morning to come and see me because I know that you left early last night and she hadn't locked up the nursery and wh-''

Charlotte cut her off.

''What do you mean she didn't lock up the nursery? I had spoken to her just before she left, Mia wouldn't forget something like that.''

Charlotte thought back to the night before, remembering that Mia hadn't answered the phone the first time and was unusually quiet when she eventually picked up. She even arrived home late and that wasn't like her.

''However, She didn't sound answer my call straight away when I rang and she sounded off when she spoke, I don't really know how to explain it. She also arrived home late, but she hadn't let me know and she always does so its making me worry'' Charlotte explained while trying to place her finger on what was going on.

What happened to Mia?

Marjorie finished telling Charlotte what happened earlier that day.

Charlotte didn't know how to respond, she wanted answers but she didn't want to pressure her girlfriend.

''What did she mean that she didn't want me to see her like that? I've seen her be sick before. We never keep secrets. Do you think it was something I did?''

Marjorie wasn't sure but she didn't want Charlotte to think like that so she told her what she wanted to hear.

''no my love, I'm sure whatever it is that she will tell you when she feels comfortable to''

This did give Charlotte some peace of mind. Maybe Mia was just stressed, they had been working hard recently.

Just stress would've been a better explanation, but the reality was far more complicated.

Mia was definitely stressed but the other things she was also feeling far outweighs the stress.

They both tried to put together their two stories but they couldn't come up with anything.

They both decided to directly ask Mia together. The pressure would surely make her crack?

They found cover for the room and called Mia down to the office, Mia was obviously reluctant to come but she knew she didn't have a choice.

Mia's pain was a secret, consuming her from the inside. She wasn't about to tell them what had happened. she longed for Charlottes comfort and support but she didn't want to hurt her with this secret, it wasn't down to Charlotte to fix what he had ruined.

She thought that if she bottled it up, it would eventually go away on its on. His demons weren't going to leave her alone until she was truly broken.

Mia made her way to the office, her mind was yet again racing. What did they want from her now?

She stopped as she got outside the office and put on her fake face to not raise further suspicion.

Her smile was a lie, hiding the agony within.

Unbreakable To Broken (TW- SA AND OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE TOPICS - READ DESC)Where stories live. Discover now