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As she drove back, she continued to come up with insane outcomes. The only thing she wanted was to tell someone but she didn't know if she had the strength to do it.

His words replayed in her mind like a broken record ''no one will believe you''

What if he was right? Would they even believe her.

As Mia was driving she all of a sudden got a gut feeling.

something was wrong but she could put her finger on what it was.

5 minutes passed and she was feeling the breeze hit her face as she drove down the roads, she needed a break. She pulled over just to gather her thoughts as she prepared herself to tell Charlotte what was finally going on. She got out of the car and looked around at the empty roads.

Where was she? she had driven too far.

She looked at her phone momentarily to see 10+ missed calls from Charlotte and countless messages that were panicking, wondering where she was. She looked at the time.


It hadn't been 5 minutes at all, it had been 5 hours. How could she lose track of time like that?

The calming drive had been a lie, her mind playing tricks on her. What she wished it had been like, she had been lost in her thoughts. It was dark out and she didn't know where she was.

She just wanted to go back to how it was before. She was losing herself.

Mia shakily opens the text from Char and begins to respond.

''Ill be home soon sweetheart.''

With that, she got back in the car and began to drive home. She was confused how she got there.

2 hours later she was finally getting close, it reminded her of that night and when she got home. She still felt guilty about how she treated Charlotte that night too.

She was finally home, she could see Charlotte anxiously waiting for Mia to return, again reminding her of that night, except this time Charlottes face didn't light up when she saw her, it was just pure worry.

The front door flew open and they just stared at each other, before Mia could explain herself Charlotte just threw her arms around Mia, she was taken by surprise but she let it happen. After all she didn't know. They stood there for a few minutes and Mia finally felt safe for the first time. Charlotte whispered "don't you ever scare me like that again" while trying to hold her tears back. "Where were you? I thought I lost you."

Mia felt heartbroken hearing Char say that. She didn't mean to make her feel like that, she had just lost track of time. She needed to tell her but she didn't want to hurt her even more than she already had.

"I just needed to clear my head sweetheart" - Mia said rubbing Charlottes back gently.

They both went inside and watched a film while they ate. Everything felt normal again, however it wouldn't last long though.

After they had finished eating, they continued to watch their film and Mia glanced over at Char and she had drifted off. Mia carefully put a blanket over her and looked at her. She knew she didn't deserve her, she was too perfect.

Mia crept upstairs trying not to alert Charlotte awake on her way to the bathroom. She walked in and closed the door behind her, she looked at herself in the mirror and felt instant guilt for eating, she felt disgusting. She immediately forced herself to throw up hoping it would make her feel better, her stomach was in pain. She could still feel him. She wanted everything to just be normal again, she knew deep down that wouldn't happen, at least for a long time.

She just sat there sobbing for a while, with her knees against her chest. she didn't feel like herself, she felt like it had been taken from her. She just wanted to feel good in her own body but no he had to take that from her too. When she looked in the mirror, she hated the person staring back at her.

She always felt confident in herself, now every time she looked at herself, she just wanted to cover up. She didn't want anyone else to see what she saw.

She used to see beauty, now she only sees flaws.

Mia couldn't bear to look in the mirror anymore, every second longer she looked, the more she hated it. She used to love her reflection, but now she avoids it.

She sat on the floor thinking to herself for another 10 minutes when she heard a gentle knock at the door taking her focus off the untrue words in her mind.

"Mia? Are you okay. You've been in there for a while now" a soft voice came from the other side.

Mia stood up and opened the door "of course sweetheart, I thought you were asleep so I came up to take a shower but it's okay"

"I was but I'm getting in bed now and I'm going to read for a bit, are you coming?"

"Yes I'll be there in a second sweetheart"

Charlotte picked up her book and went in the bedroom, she loved to read. Mia always admired her love for reading. Charlotte would usually write poems for Mia as she wasn't great with spoken words, it helped with their communication and Charlotte loved putting how she felt about Mia into a poem. Mia saw char as a poem, a beautiful poem, each line crafted with grace and depth. - they loved each other like that. The perfect couple.

As soon as Mia's head hit the pillow she was gone. She was too exhausted, she needed the sleep. Charlotte was still reading when she heard Mia's phone ping and it lit up. Who could be texting her at 11pm? Charlotte trusted Mia with her life but something was telling her to look at it, she didn't want to betray her but her curiosity was getting the better of her. Maybe it would be the answer to what was going on?

Charlottes thoughts got the better of her and she grabbed Mia's phone.

Her eyes widened as she opened the text.

The words she read made her heart sink.

Unbreakable To Broken (TW- SA AND OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE TOPICS - READ DESC)Where stories live. Discover now