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"Hey sweetheart. It's been a couple of days, did you miss me? I know I missed you. 😘"
- unknown number

Charlotte was in shock, she didn't know what to think. She looked over at Mia sleeping peacefully. Surely she wouldn't do this to me? She slowly put the phone down against her chest, she wasn't sure how to react to what she just read. The phone pinged again.

"You read that fast, clearly missed me."

Is this why Mia had been acting out? Is she cheating on me, was she seeing whoever this person was? Is this why she was being so distant?

Charlotte couldn't settle on one thought, she didn't want to believe the voices in her head but she felt betrayed. Whoever this was clearly knew her.

Charlotte put down the phone in the exact position that she had picked it up from. She turned away from Mia, she didn't want to look at her. She felt sick from the sorrow that was Building inside her. Do I confront her about it? She thought to herself, would she tell me the truth? She had clearly been keeping secrets, why would she be honest with me now?

As she laid her head on pillow, the message stuck in her head. Sweetheart. He called her sweetheart. She thought Mia only ever called her that, why was someone else calling her sweetheart, did she say it back? What was she hiding? Charlotte couldn't sleep with this new information. She decided that she was going to confront Mia in the morning, she couldn't be in a relationship based on lies.

Charlotte took Mia's phone off the bedside table carefully, trying not to wake her up. She hid it under her pillow so even if Mia saw it, she wouldn't have a chance to delete it. Charlotte felt so guilty for doing this but it was the only way she could get the truth out of her. She had no idea of the guilt that Mia was still feeling only inches away from her.

He hadn't only hurt Mia now, he had hurt Charlotte as well, both for different reasons and Charlotte was unaware that none of this was Mia's fault.

Charlotte tried to sleep but the tears that were filling her eyes were starting to sting. How could she do this to me? She thought quietly to herself. She really didn't want to trust it but why else would this person message her that? As she silently cried herself to sleep all she could think about was how safe she had felt in Mia's arms and how kind she was to her over the past few months they had been together. Charlotte had never been treated like this before, not even by her husband. She thought she had finally found the one after her divorce and she was ready to settle down and plan her whole future with Mia. She didn't want to lose it all now, they had made so many plans together but she couldn't stay in the relationship if this was true. If they don't have trust, they have nothing.

She glanced over at Mia to see her twitching and in a cold sweat, she was muttering things under her breath in a panic but Charlotte couldn't make out the words. She was clearly having a nightmare, Charlotte was unsure of what to do, but she was worried for what was going on. If Mia woke up now, she would discover her phone missing and Charlotte wasn't ready for the conversation yet, as it hadn't been long since she read the text, she hadn't planned what she was going to say. Charlotte softly stroked Mia's arm in attempt to calm her down, it did work but Charlotte stared at her as she continued to think about Mia being with someone else, it pained her.

Charlotte wasn't ready to lose Mia but she knew she had to confront her, morning was approaching and time was moving faster than ever. Charlotte hadn't slept at all as she was so scared for what was about to happen, her alarm started going off and she quickly turned it off. She picked up the phone and went downstairs and she was now going to wait for Mia to come down so she can question her about the messages. She had never been so stressed, her palms were sweaty as she held the phone rereading the message to make sure she didn't read it wrong. The more she thought about Mia, the more betrayed she felt. How could the love of her life do this to her?

Charlotte thought she had pieced everything together and was positive she was right about this, as much as she didn't want to be. Charlotte was still waiting for Mia to come down, she was so scared of what she was about to lose from this conversation.

Their relationship is now on the line...

Unbreakable To Broken (TW- SA AND OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE TOPICS - READ DESC)Where stories live. Discover now