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Emery had officially lost her mind. She was doing everything she could possibly do in the comfort of her bedroom. When she first read his confession she was literally kicking her feet. Then she got up and started pacing her room rereading it. Next she moved to her desk chair and spun around for a minute before returning to her bed.

Never would she have expected this, especially from him, if anything she thought she'd have to be the one to confess first.

Once she had calmed down she reread all he had said and shed a couple of tears. Everything he said was so not him but she liked this side of him. She had to respond now, she didn't want him to start think she was ignoring him.




Are you serious oh my god. I was starting to think I would be the first to confess. 

Since we met I knew there was something about you, I've never clicked with someone as fast as I did you and I have loved that since then. Almost ten years ago can you believe it? I knew there was something up with you around the time I started dating Jacob, I just didn't know it would be this lol.

I think I have loved you this entire time. I could not be happier right now. You also bring out the best in me, I have no idea what I would be doing if I wasn't still talking to you. and since you put the offer out there, want to facetime :)??? now it can truly be a facetime! since we'll both be showing our faces hehe


oh god i was starting to think you were gonna ignore me

but yes i guesssss since you asked we can ft


Emery had started making herself look more presentable, she was sure he wouldn't mind her disheveled state, but for her she wanted to look decent. Turning her string lights on she excitedly clicked the facetime button.

Isaac answered immediately, eager to finally reveal such an important part of himself to his girl.

"Haha funny joke, black screen, lemme see that face" Emery giggles doing the classic f-boy face into the camera.

"Oh fine you got me, i was actually going to say my camera broke" He responds with a laugh.

As he turned the camera around to show himself Emery's jaw dropped.

"What?" Isaac does his classic airy laugh.

"Uh nothing just the fact that im staring at a literal god.???" Her eyes widened. "Like there's no way"

"I don't know what to say to that, thank you? I think? but i promise you it's really me, em" As soon as she heard her nickname leave his mouth she pushed her camera to the side of her face in attempt to hide the blush.

"I can still see you, you know, you didn't even try to hide it, em" Now he's saying it on purpose.

"Stoppp, that's not fair. It's different when i can actually see you saying stuff. I can't believe this is the guy i met in a comment section on instagram."

Really?, IsaacwhyWhere stories live. Discover now