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The sleeping arrangement was one Emery had no say in. Isaac immediately offered up his bed for the girl and he chose to sleep on the couch. She had tried to fight back saying she would much rather take the couch but Isaac won.

She felt weird going to sleep in someone's bed when they're not even in the same room. She knew he was just being nice but it was his bed, he should've slept in it.


When she woke up she was met with the faint sound of music playing, confused, she wandered out of the room and out into the living space. There she saw the guys playing some sort of game while the tv played music.

She quickly went back to make herself presentable before going down to ask what they were doing.

Making her way downstairs she couldn't even get a word out before Isaac was welcoming her.

"Hey, Em! Did we wake you?" He asks, staring directly at her.

"No, i got up on my own i just wanted to see what was going on. What are you guys playing?"

"Just some card game Larry made up." He says nodding his head.

"Oh okay then." Emery replies, taking a seat on the open couch.

"Do you want to play?"

"Nah i think i'll just watch" She sends him a small smile.

During their whole conversation the guys were watching the two intently, even they could tell something was going on.

The group went back to playing their game with moves Emery couldn't decipher, she was glad she wasn't playing.

Occasionally she would get on her phone but would always end up looking at the man who has taken over her mind since last night. There was just something about him that always drew her attention away from anything else happening.


For the majority of the day everybody stayed together in the living room, playing multiple games, eating, talking, and just sitting and listening to the music still coming from the tv.

Isaac had sat beside Emery, the two going off in their own world. Finally getting the time to talk about anything and everything. There were a few times where Emery had pulled up old screenshots of the way they used to talk and they would burst out laughing gaining stares from the others.

Emery thought it was nice how there could never be any bad feelings between the two.


This day was a rather laid back one, nobody felt like doing much so they all went back to their rooms doing whatever on their computers.

Things were a little bit different for Emery and Isaac as she had the idea to ride around. There was no set goal in mind, they just wanted out of the house for a little while.

Things have gone smoothly up until the moment they found a destination the two of them wanted to stop at. This place was a park, was it odd that two grown adults were at a park at 10 pm? Possibly, but who really cares, no children are going to be out here this late.

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