x. is it hot in here or is it just mj?

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trigger warnings: none that i can think of ??


MJ has no idea how to dress for the future, so she just sort of has to guess.

At breakfast this morning, the Doctor declared they were taking Adam to the future. When in the future? MJ has no idea. He didn't specify. She decides to go with a simple, sleek look — black jeans, a white racerback tank top, and a bright purple leather jacket with a pair of combat boots. She puts her hair up in a bun, swipes lip gloss on, and then she's all ready for the day.

MJ opens her door just as Rose is walking past, so the girls head to the console room side-by-side. The Doctor's in there by himself, Adam nowhere to be seen. A part of MJ hopes it stays that way. She really doesn't get why Rose wants him along. Isn't she dating Mickey? Why does she need Pretty Boy around?

"So, when are we going?" Rose asks, grinning at the Doctor. She jabbed her finger at him with a little playful narrowing of her eyes. "And don't just say the future."

"How about this?" the Doctor asks. "When we get there, us three will pop out first, tell Adam we need to make sure everything's safe, and I'll fill you in on where and when we are so you can impress the pretty boy."

Rose nods. "Deal."

MJ sidles up to the Doctor, bumping her hip into his playfully. "You're a pretty boy too, you know."

"Yeah, right," he scoffs. "You're just tryin' to butter me up so I pay for everything."

"Okay, A," she says, "I'm a broke college drop-out. You're a nine-hundred-year-old Time Lord who's apparently had a steady job with UNIT for at least a couple of decades. I think it goes without saying that you should be paying for everything. And B..." She grabs his chin and yanks his face toward hers. "I'm not trying to butter you up. I'm making an observation, and my word is final."

He shakes his head, the tips of his ears pink. "Now you're just flirting."

MJ's hand falls to her side. She takes a step back, folding her arms over her chest. Her attempt at an easygoing smile comes off more like a grimace. "Definitely not, Doc. I don't flirt with anyone and no one flirts with me. That's one of the rules of the universe."

"Funny," the Doctor says, hitting a button. "I could've sworn you've been flirting with me this entire time."

Heat floods her cheeks. "What? No! No, I haven't!"

"Really?" The Doctor frowns and flicks a switch. "That's awkward. Because I'm pretty sure I've been flirting with you."

Before MJ can say anything else or even just register his words, he throws a lever and sends them hurtling into flight.


"We'll be just a tick," the Doctor assures Adam before Rose closes the TARDIS door behind them. He looks around, then leans in conspiratorially. "So, it's 200,000, it's a spaceship...No, wait a minute, space station. And, er...go try that gate over there! Off you go!"

"200,000?" Rose asks as the Doctor leans against the TARDIS, arms crossed over his chest.

MJ is running her fingers along the giant silver five tacked on the wall. Does this mean they're on the fifth floor? Or is the station numbered, like Platform One? Is this Platform Five?

"200,000," the Doctor confirms with a brilliant smile.

"Right," Rose says. She opens the door. "Adam! Out you come."

Adam walks out of the TARDIS with his eyes wide and mouth ajar. "Oh my God."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Rose tells him.

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