vi. mj doesn't sleep through the apocalypse (but she considers it)

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trigger warnings: very brief mention of a past abusive relationship


MJ hears electricity crackling and pained screaming behind her, but she pays it little mind. She has one goal and one goal only: get the others out alive. Once she knows the others are safe, she can find out once and for all if celestial bronze affects aliens.

If celestial bronze passes right through them like it does with mortals, she'll have to find alternative weapons. She has her hunting knife of course, but she'd have to get in close to do damage, and she'd prefer to stay out of range of the alien's presumably sharp claws, thank you very much. No, her hunting knife is, as it always has been, a last resort. There are vases and lamps she could throw, but those are more one-use weapons than anything. There were decanters full of booze on a table in the Cabinet Room. She could make a Molotov. Unfortunately, Molotovs seem to start as many problems as they solve.

Maybe if she can get her hands on the Doctor's sonic...

"We can get out here," Ganesh says, pulling MJ from her thoughts. He's stopped at the top of a back stairwell.

MJ looks around and her heart sinks. "Wait. Where are Rose and Harriet?"

"I think they went the other way," Ganesh says.

MJ curses under her breath. She'd been thinking too far ahead again, focusing on the future instead of the present. A massive mistake, but hopefully not a fatal one. She rubs her forehead anxiously. "You go, okay? Get to safety. Find the Doctor, if you can. If you can't, find UNIT, get in touch with them and tell them what's going on. I'm going back for Rose and Harriet."

"But I don't know what's going on," Ganesh protests.

"Find Dr. Toshiko Sato," MJ orders, opening the door to the stairwell and shoving Ganesh through. "Last I checked, she's still at Albion. Find her, and then get in touch with UNIT. Now go!"

MJ watches Ganesh disappear down the stairs before she turns around and sprints toward Rose and Harriet. As she runs, she debates the pros and cons of drawing her sword. She can't unsheathe her sword without it ending in her telling Rose and the Doctor about her ring, and if she tells them about her ring, they'll keep asking questions she's not sure she's ready to answer. She likes Rose and the Doctor. She enjoys spending time with them, saving the world with them, and learning their ins and outs. MJ would even go as far as to say they're her friends.

But does she trust them with the truth about her and her family?

It's a life-altering thing, learning the Greek gods are real and very much still around, as are the monsters. It's the kind of thing that once you know, you know. You're constantly on the lookout for monsters in disguise, constantly worrying about offending all-powerful divine beings and getting squashed like a bug, constantly trying to make sense of it all. Because magic is real, yes, but so is science, and the two are more intertwined than most would ever suspect.

The planet Earth was formed from dust and gas. The planet Earth was formed from Chaos. Two completely different explanations, and yet both are somehow true. There are so many aspects of demigod life that are easier not to think about because thinking about them would drive you insane. Like the afterlife, for instance. MJ knows if she tells the Doctor the truth, he'll have questions upon questions, and unlike others, he won't be satisfied until he gets his answers. But as genius as MJ is, even she only knows so much.

And if she tells Rose and the Doctor about being a demigod and all that, she'll have to tell them about the Second Titan War. How the fuck will she stop the Doctor from getting himself involved? She doubts he'll be able to just sit by and let them handle it when a fascist genocidal divine being is trying to take over the world.

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