Chapter 1 - The Weight of Expectations

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The heavy curtains of 12 Grimmauld Place barely let any sunlight in, casting long shadows across the dimly lit room I shared with my twin brother, Sirius. The house always felt oppressive, filled with the weight of our family's dark history and rigid expectations. The walls, adorned with portraits of stern-looking ancestors, seemed to close in on us, their gazes filled with disapproval.

Today was no different. We sat side by side on the edge of our bed, our parents' voices echoing up the staircase, a constant reminder of what was expected of us. I could feel my anxiety rising, the familiar sensation of my stomach twisting into knots.

"Remember, you are Blacks," our mother, Walburga, had said earlier, her voice sharp as a blade. "You will be sorted into Slytherin and uphold the family name."

Her words hung heavily in the air. I bit my lip, trying to keep the rising panic at bay. Anxiety had always been a part of me, a constant companion that flared up in moments like these. I glanced at Sirius, who sat with a defiant look in his eyes. He sensed my unease and squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Eliza. Whatever happens, we'll face it together," he whispered, his voice steady and calm, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside me. His confidence was a lifeline, and I clung to it desperately.

Our father, Orion, entered the room, his stern expression softening slightly as he looked at us. His presence was imposing, his dark eyes filled with an expectation that weighed down on us like a physical force. "It's time," he said simply, his tone leaving no room for argument.

We gathered our belongings, my hands shaking slightly as I packed my trunk. The weight of expectation pressed down on us, a suffocating presence that was always there. As we prepared to leave, Sirius caught my eye and gave me a lopsided grin.

"Let's show them what we're made of, Liz," he said, his voice filled with a confidence I wished I could share. His grin was infectious, and despite my anxiety, I couldn't help but smile back.

With that, we stepped into the fireplace, clutching the Floo powder tightly. The familiar rush of green flames enveloped us, and within moments, we were standing on Platform 9 ¾, surrounded by the bustling noise of students and their families.

The platform was a blur of activity, parents saying their goodbyes, students reuniting with friends. Despite the chaos, I couldn't shake the heavy feeling in my chest. Our parents' words echoed in my mind, a constant reminder of what was expected of us.

"Come on, Liz," Sirius said, nudging me gently. "Let's find a compartment."

We navigated through the crowd, eventually finding an empty compartment on the train. As we settled in, I felt a small measure of relief. The journey to Hogwarts had begun, and with it, the hope that maybe, just maybe, we could forge our own path, away from the suffocating expectations of our family.

But as the train pulled away from the platform, I couldn't help but glance back, the image of our parents' stern faces etched in my mind. Sirius, sensing my unease, put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

"We're in this together, Liz," he said softly. "No matter what."

His words were a comfort, a reminder that despite everything, we had each other. And as the train sped towards our new life at Hogwarts, I clung to that thought, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead with my brother by my side.

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