Chapter Six:

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My eyebrows furrowed as I scrolled through Ezonme's IG story. It looked like he was at a bar, judging by the picture of Mr. Ross Fuentes, a famous writer who I also happen to be a fan of. They were with two older guys and a beautiful girl who looked around my age, all foreigners. I couldn't see Ezonme's face clearly because it was hidden behind a glass of wine he was holding, but you could tell he was the tallest one in the group.

A smile crept onto my face, and I decided to reply, hoping he'd notice. He was at a bar, supposed to be partying, but he was online.

Taas talaga ng pangarap ko, 6'3 ba naman.

I covered my mouth with my hand as I burst out laughing. I learned this from Harper when I saw her posting about her Korean idols. I guess I could use it in the future. My heart skipped a beat when I saw he'd seen my message.


My smile vanished. My face fell onto my pillow as I let out the loudest scream. I was so embarrassed. I couldn't help but curse myself for being a huge embarrassment. I heard another notification, but I couldn't face the humiliation again. What if he posted me? What if I became a meme?

“Isang dying hard fan ang diumano'y palpak na humarot sa idol niyang author,” I screamed again in disappointment. I decided to read his new message.

I think my dreams are pretty high too,
but they're definitely not as tall as you.

I didn't know what to feel. My cheeks flushed, and I quickly sat up to reply. Aba pinag-iinit ang ulo ko ah. Wala siyang ideya kung gaano ako katangkad 'no.

Sinasabi mo bang pandak ako?


Did I?

I sighed. I couldn't argue with him. He was so nice, maybe he just didn't know how to flirt.

“What?! So you think marunong ka no'n, Lestari? Wow! Hindi ka nga marunong magkagusto sa totoong tao maliban sa mga fictional characters na binabasa mo.” I muttered to myself.

Hindi ko na nagawa pang mag-reply sa kaniya. Maling isipin na hindi siya marunong lumandi dahil first of all, hindi siya dapat lumalandi sa akin dahil fan lang ako, walang fan service ang mga author 'no.

I turned off my phone and started reading. The house was a little quieter because Daddy was busy with his business. I rarely saw him at home. I wanted to be happy about it, but when I did see him, he looked so stressed, and I didn't know what was going on with our business.

Si Luther naman ay lagi ring wala, simula nang mag eighteen ito at magkaroon ng kotse na regalo ni Daddy ay lagi na itong layas. Aaminin kong naiinggit ako dahil parang wala lang kay Daddy kung lumabas siya, tapos ako, kaunting kibot lang, grounded na.

I don't know what's wrong with me. We weren't like this before Mommy left. We were a happy family back then. Luther was five, and I was seven. Even though Luther and I didn't always get along, it felt so good when Mommy talked to us. I used to think she was an angel because she always made Daddy, Luther, and me feel better when we had problems. She would talk to us and make us feel better.

She left us when I was eight. Yes, she left us. I'll never forget how she ran away with a man I didn't know. It was night, and the rain was pouring. She wanted me to go with her, but I was confused about what was happening.

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