Chapter Nineteen:

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains themes of human trafficking, murder, drug trafficking, and other sensitive topics that may be distressing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.


Upon arriving at the mansion, I found all the household staff and Kuya Alistair in a flurry of activity as I opened our door. Some were holding their cellphones, engaged in conversations, while Kuya Alistair was occupied with a call on the house telephone. When he saw me, he stopped. Confused by the situation, I approached my butler.

"Kuya Alistair, what's happening? What's going on?" I asked, my question filled with confusion. I could see a mix of worry and sadness in his eyes.

"Sandali, Lesteri. May kausap ako," he gestured to the phone pressed against his ear. I nodded and made my way to the living room to sit on our sofa. As people passed by me, they looked at me with pity.

What's happening? Why are they looking at me like that? Does Daddy have new instructions again?

Nakita ko si Ate Florence na bumababa sa hagdanan, and as soon as she saw me, she quickly approached and stood beside me. Finally, I had someone to ask.

"Ate—" I was interrupted as she enveloped me in a hug.

"Anak, kamusta ka? 'Ayos ka lang ba?" she asked, filled with concern.

"W-why? What's wrong, Ate Florence? Is there a problem?" I asked as she released me from her embrace.

"Hindi mo pa ba nakikita ang balita?" she asked. I shook my head. What news is she talking about? She took the remote from the table in front of us and turned on our TV.

Confused, I waited for the TV to display something. I felt nervous when a headline appeared. Some of the household staff stopped behind us to watch.

I was shocked by what I saw; As I watched the news report unfold, revealing the illegal operation of a syndicate involved in drugs, human trafficking, and killings, I couldn't contain myself from shock and disbelief. Wala akong kaide-ideyang may nagaganap na ganito sa bansa na kakagawan ng isang grupo ng mga sindikato. What was even more surprising was that this transaction had been going on for years, yet the authorities had not been informed.

My world stopped when I saw Daddy being escorted by the police.

"What's happening?" I looked at them, but they all averted their gazes, bowing their heads and not answering me. "Please tell me what's happening! Why is my Daddy there—"

"Logan Castillano is said to be the leader of the syndicate," my mouth hung open, and my heart shattered upon hearing the reporter's words on TV.

"No... no, please. They're joiking, right? No! Not him! It's not him! They're mistaken!" I stood up and stepped back. Ate Florence tried to approach me, Kuya Alistair looked at me with concern.

Why? Why is this happening? That's not true; my Daddy is not like that. Syndicate? My Daddy is not part of a syndicate. He's not a drug lord; he's not a murderer, he's not like that; they're mistaken.

"Please, tell me it's not true, please, I beg you." I sobbed and pleaded, looking at them.

"Anak," Ate Florence tried to approach me, now also in tears.

"Please, tell me, Ate," I begged. I couldn't accept it. All the evidence was right in front of me, shown on TV. Daddy didn't even defend himself, pero hindi, hindi ko kayang tanggapin.

"Lesty, totoo iyon. Leader ng sindikato ang ama mo. Mamamatay tao at drug lord siya," para akong babawian ng buhay nang marinig iyon; how could she say that so easily? How could she accuse Daddy like that? How dare her?

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