Taka out.

19 2 4

Other pov:

After 1houre hyunjin came back from his work. When he went to his room he didn't saw felix anywhere. So he went to the back side of the house and he saw felix was setting on the edge of swimming pool.

"Hay what are you doing here at this time? When i saw that you are nowhere in the house"

"Oh! Hay! I'm not falling for sleep so i just walk around then i saw this place, i love it."

"You really love it?"


"Ok now let's go to the room. Tomorrow i really have to show you something. For that we have to sleep now. Come on" Hyunjin finished and picked up felix in their room. "Now sleep like a good boy. I'll changed my clothes" hyunjin said. "Yeah! Yeah!" felix rolled his eyes and went to sleep. Hyunjin smirked at him and went to bathroom. When hyunjin came out of the bathroom he saw fwlix was asleep. He also laid down on the bed. In the morning when felix weak up he saw hyunjin wasn't there. So he went to downstairs and asked a maid that where is hyunjin. The maid said to felix the she don't know where was he.  " What's your name by the away?" Felix asked the maid.

"My name is lusi and yours?"

"My name felix. How is your boss? I mean how is his behaviour?"

"I really don't know. Because before you came we are just here with no work. Boss didn't came here that much. Whenever he came here he just spand night. And take dinner. Without that he didn't came here. Sometimes I thik that I'm here to take care of the house? And I heard that he can do anything for money. Last night he came with a girl. In morning he gose away. "

"And the girl" felix said with jealous tone

"She went to late. She take her meals in the Afternoon boss came and take her with him."

"Then......" felix didn't finished his words hyunjin came and cute his words. "Felix what are you talking about " he asked him .

"Nothing" felix said .

"Then get ready we have to go somewhere "


"Just get ready"

"Ok" felix said with half closed his eyes. After a few minutes later felix get ready and came downstairs. Where hyunjin was waiting for him.

"Oh goody! You are here!"

"Yeah! So where are..." felixs words cute by hyunjin.

"Now no more question. Get on the car" hyunjin said and get on the car. Felix set on driver side set and hyunjin set on diver set. He stoped his car in front of a Mobile phone shop. Hyunjin came out of the car and went to the shop. After a few minutes later he camd back and get in the car.

"Do you buy a phone.!" felix said with surprised face.

"Hum. Yeah! But it's not for you. It's for someone special!" hyunjin smirked.

"What? Without me you have already someone special in you hart? You chitter! The maid was right. You only love money no one else!" felix said with angry Voice. It's normal who ever heard something like this it's get mad him aromatically.

"Oh please shut up! and don't try to get of the car" hyunjin said.

"I'll not i wanted to see THE SPECIAL PERSON. that more important then me" this time felix said with a sad tone. "So all the time he used me. Na-now is he killed me? No no felix what are you thinking he loved you he can't do anything like this!" felix thinking in his mind. "So felix do you want to have so food" hyunjin asked. Felix in his own world he across his head to the car windrow.


"Hah! Ok!"
Hyunjin and felix get of the and they went to a restaurant. They booked a table in a corner. They odred foods. Hyunjin start eating foods but felix play with spoon.

"Why aren't you eat your foods?"

"I am not hungry"

"Finished the food!" hyunjin said strictly

"I TOLD YOU I AM NOT HUNGRY. AND WHY I HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU" Felix shoutout and lift the table. Hyunjin didn't understand why is he did like this. After a few minutes later hyunjin came back he saw felix was crying.

"Hayyy! Why are you crye?" hyunjin said but felix didn't respond. Hyunjin feeling so guilty." am i the reason that he cry? I souldent told him all of the stuff!" hyunjin thought in his mind.

"F-felix when you saw the person you'll happy. I promised" hyunjin said with soft and low voice.

"GO HELL!" hyunjin start his car and Parked his car in front of a Building. They get off the car but felix didn't wanted to went with him in the apartment. 

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