Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

             "Harry!" I called out, wlking into our shared apartment. He was still young, so he couldn't legally live on his own yet. "In the kitchen!" I smiled, walking in and sitting on the counter. "What are you cooking now?" Harry's curly hair was a frizzy mess. He was wearing flannel pajama bottoms with a white t-shirt covered by a dark red apron that said "Kiss the Cook". He had flour all over himself. "I'm making you some pizza. I know you've been wanting some and I keep saying no because it's unhealthy so..." He gave a cheeky smile, shrugging and blushing, mumbling.

            "Sounds delicious! I'm going to go change, yeah?" He nodded, going back to his cooking. Ever since we've been living together, Harry made all of our meals home-made. The other boys mostly ate microwavable stuff, so I was lucky to have him. He also did all the cleaning in the house. I had never asked him to do anything, he just automatically stepped up to do all the household stuff.

            I went into my room, changing into a pair of grey sweatpants and one of Harry's short-sleeved shirts, rolling the cuffs of the sleeves once. I pulled on a beanie, no bothering to brush my hair. When I walked out, Harry had turned on the radio and was shaking his hips as he sang along to the song by Fun.

           "Nice dancing" I teased, and he laughed. "Not all of us can be dance masters like you." I smirked, and started doing the 'stop the traffic, let it through'. Harry watched me, intensely, shaking his head like he was confused. He spread some sauce onto the crust, and then looked at me. "Do you like mushrooms?" I crinkled my nose, and he laughed. "Have you ever tried them?" I shook my head, and he put mushrooms on the pizza.

             "Harry! They're gross!" He shook his finger at me. "If you haven't tried them, how would you know?" We were soon fighting, me insisting they were disgusting. "I'm not eating it!" Finally, he threw his hands up in frustration. "Fine!" He looked hurt, and went to sit on the couch. "Harry..." I crossed my arms, before giving in. "Fine! I'll try it!"

           Harry was always making me try new things. He had made me eat a smoothie, which was disgusting. But then he made me try yogurt, which I now loved. He smirked, walking back in. "Thanks, Boo-Bear!" I groaned, face-palming. I hated when he called me that. My mother had always called me that, and when Harry met my mother she had accidently called me it. Since then, he always called me it when he was being cocky.

           "How long till it's done?" I asked, Harry looked at the timer. "Only a few minutes. It's soft dough." I nodded, tapping the counter, bored. Harry went to the fridge, and my eyes followed him. The way he walked was weird. He was starting to grow really tall, but he was so skinny. It looked well on him though.

             He poured me a cup of vegetable juice, my favorite. He handed it to me, and I smiled. He was always so considerate of me. I never even had to ask. I sipped at it, and he poured himself a cup of milk. "Do you want me to make some tea to go with the pizza?" I shook my head. "No, we're almost out so I want to save it for before bed." He nodded, adding Yorkshire tea to the grocery list.

            "You make too many lists." Harry could be so organized at times, but others he was so messy. His room was unsanitary, but the rest of the house was neat and clean. He even cleaned my room for me. "It makes things easier when I shop. You wouldn't understand." I leaned my head on ym hand. I had never been shopping by myself, only for things like snacks or toilet paper. I'd never done grocery shopping.

             Shrugging, i changed the subject. "So tomorow our song gets aired for the first time. You excited?" Harry smiled, his dimples showing. "I hope people like it." Picking the song had been mostly Harry's choice, but all of the lads were glad to have it as well. It was a really sweet song, and we hoped it would make some girls feel beautiful.

         "I'm sure they'll love it." I patted his arm, and I could see all his insecurity go away. "We're going to be famous, huh?" I nodded, laughing. "Yeah, and in a few years I'll be the Justin of the group." He playfully slapped my arm. "Hey, carrot boy! It will totally be me!' I groaned at the name, covering my face.

           On the X-Factor, I had made one comment about liking girls who ate carrots, and since then I've received hundreds of carrots and carrot-shaped items. Harry liked to tease me about it all the time. "Hey, curly, I'm the oldest so I'll definitely be the one with the amazing solo career after One Direction."

            We laughed, both knowing One Direction was probably our only chance at fame. Harry looked in my eyes, and smiled and was about to say something until the oven beeped. "Don't burn it!" I warned, since I was starving. He rolled his eyes, pulling it out using hand-protectors. I looked at the mushrooms, and secretly thought they looked delicious.

          Harry sliced it, and handed me two slices. One had mushrooms, one didn't. I looked at him, and I felt like he would be disappointed if I didn't eat the mushroom one. He's always been a bit sensitive. I grabbed the one with mushrooms, taking a small bite and covering my mouth as I chewed. I looked up at him, shaking my head.

             "This is amazing!" he clapped, taking a slice of pizza for himself. "Thank you!" He handed me another one, and we both ate at the counter, listening to whatever song was playing. I think it was something by Justin Bieber. After we finished, I handed Harry my plate and he started washing them. "I'll put the pizza in the fridge, but I gotta go to bed after that."

           Harry was beaming, like me putting the pizza away was the nicest thing anyone could do ever. I wrapped it in plastic cling, putting it into the coldbox and waving to him. "Night Lou...I'll bring your tea in soon." And with that, I headed off to bed.

             But I could swear I heard Harry yelling in the other room. He came in in twenty minutes, and I was sitting up in bed. He handed me my tea with the warm-grippers on the side, and I smiled. "Thanks Harry! You alright? I heard yelling...." He just waved his hand, wiping under his eyes. "Hey...Tell me."

            Harry just gave a shrug. "Secrets just tear people apart, y'know?" I looked at him, shocked. He shrugged. "Mind if I sleep in here tonight?" I nodded, and moved over. I layed down, and he layed on the other end, facing away from me.

As I fell asleep, I wondered what Harry could possibly keep secret.

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