Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

                 "Harry?" I grabbed my cup of tea, holding onto the blanket around my shoulders. It was raining outside, and it was almost eleven, but I wasn't tired and couldn't sleep. Something about the sound of the rain made me upset. It made my stomach churn and Harry always stayed up with me.

                Knocking on the door, I slowly pushed it open. 'Harry?" I walked in, and saw him, sitting on his bed. He was bent over his desk, shaking his hips as he had headphones in his ears. I watched, trying to figure out what song he was listening to. When I stepped closer, I heard it, and couldn't help but bust out laughing.

               He turned around, a bit shocked. "Lou?" I smiled at him, shaking my head in disbelief. "You can't just listen to our own cd. It's weird." He blushed, reaching down and turning it off. "I just love hearing you sing, Boobear. I can't help it." I groaned, and he smirked, both of us laughing.

              "What do you want?" He took his earphones out, putting his hands on the desk and leaning back so he could face me. I set my cup of tea down and pointed out the window. Harry had curtains covering it, light orange curtains. I remember when we had picked them out.

               "You are NOT buying them!" I yelled, him just pouting as his thick eyebrows furrowed together. "Why not? I like them!" I rubbed the bright orange material between my fingers, grimacing. We were at the mall, security waiting outside as we looked, and I knew we were taking forever but I didn't care.

                      "I don't care how they FEEL, Louis! I'm not going to be touching them! I like them!" He picked them up, shaking them at me immaturely. I put my hand on the hip, and glared at him. "No!". "Yes!" "No way!" "I want them!" "No!" "My money, my room, my curtains." I laughed, shaking a finger at him.

                    "Excuse me Mr. Styles, it's my apartment, you're lucky I let you live there." He groaned, blushing and covering his face. "You KNOW I'm too young to live on my own!" I gave him a look, as if to say 'I win.' He slowly put the curtains back, but I groaned, dramatically. "Fine! But I'm buying the fancy coffeemaker with your money.'

                    Back in the present, Harry pushed the curtains to the side and smiled. He loved the rain, such a strange boy. "Oh, okay, sorry Louis. Didn't know, with my headphones...and y'know." He shrugged, helping me get into bed. He tucked me in, grabbing our matching blankets.

                 We had jokingly bought them after we got signed by Simon, joking that 'we were rich, so let's buy dumb stuff.' I had figured that I would just put mine in the closet and forget about it, but Harry seemed really attatched to it. His was the pink one, and I remember Niall laughing at him. I didn't care, there was no way I was going to have the pink blanket.

                         He covered me up with mine, and then he sat on the chair, pulling it closer to me and sitting on it. Somehow he got all his long limbs to fit on the chair, bending his knees and his feet going under his bum. I smiled at him, letting out a sigh of relief. "I think I left my tea on your desk..." I mumbled, and watching him as he went to get it for me.

                      He handed it to me, me sitting up a bit in the bed to sip at it. "I was thinking, since I broke up with Hannah, we're both single. Maybe we should start going clubbing with the other boys?" Harry frowned. "I'm underage....But if you want to I guess you can." He mumbled, and I swear he looked disappointed.

                      "Aww, Haz. I wouldn't want to leave you home alone. But you need to get a too!" I still felt really uncomfortable about the whole subject of his sexuality, since we haven't discussed it since he had admitted it in rage at the Red or Black performance.

                     "I kind of like someone..." He said, and I sat up completely this time. "Tell me about him!" He shook his head, the curls bobbing around. One side of his hair was flat, probably since he'd taken a nap. "Tell me!" He shook his head. "It's too early...Besides...He's straight."

                        I raised an eyebrow. "Haz, I'm sure you could turn anyone gay. You seduce me with your curls" I joked, and I saw some of the sadness in the features of his face disappear. He smiled, and yawned before he could stop it.

                     "Come here, come let older brother Louis protect you." I smirked, moving over in the tiny bed as he walked to the other side, getting in. We layed straight, both of us just staring at the ceiling until I closed my eyes. I still couldn't sleep because of the rain splattering on the roof, but at least I wasn't feeling sick anymore.

                       "Hey Ha-" I said, but Harry turned onto his side, curling into me. His arm wrapped around my waist. "Aren't you a little old to hold like that?" I joked, and he just made an incoherent noise. "You're soft, but your stomach is all muscle." He said, his words coming out clearer since he had lifted his head.

                       I smiled, proud all my hard hours at the gym were paying off. I closed my eyes, listening to his breathing and his heart beat. It was a better sound then the sound of the rain. I was about to try to sleep, until I felt something pressing against my leg. I looked down, and my entire face went bright red. Harry had a hard-on.

                    "Harry?" He looked up at me, and I noticed his lips were red, he had obviously been biting them. "I'm sorry.....You're warm" I blushed, rolling my eyes. I could just ignore it, but when his hand trailed a little lower on my hips, I watched his hand, my heart race picking up.

                           Without another second to comprehend what was happening, Harry had his legs around my waist, straddling me. His lips took control of mine, and I was too shocked to move or push him away. His lips, plump, thick, red lips pressed into mine, and I swear my hands curled around his hips, pulling him harder onto me.

                        I felt his erection press into my flacid self, and I couldn't help but become a bit hard. His hands went to my hips, pushing my pants down slowly, his hands now on my bare hip bones. He licked my lower lip, and before I could open my mouth to give him access, I came back into reality. I pushed him off, him landing on the floor.

                      "Harry! The hell, man!" He looked up at me, and he looked like a child being scolded. I ignored it, and continued yelling. "You may be gay but I'm not! God, I thought we were friends. Thanks for making this all uncomfortable!" He looked at me, but in a second he ran from his own room, leaving me to stare at the slammed door.

What have I done?



Hello my curlies!

I have 5 other stories, and now I'm starting a 6th. I have a Peter Pan one, a depression/tumblr one, a White Eskimo/Rogue one, and another I can't remember. The new one I'm starting is a Blind!Harry one, so make sure to go check it out!


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