Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

               It's been a week since the Red or Black performance. Harry has been a bit upset all week, but he said it's no big deal. Right now, the boys and I were sitting in an interview. I sat next to Harry, and halfway through his arm wrapped over my shoulders and I instantly cuddled into him.

             The rest of the interview went that way. Us teasing eachother, he even gave me a love bite. The interviewer was glaring at us, but I didn't really care what he thought. The interviewer kept asking the basic questions, and at one point he asked what Larry Stylinson was.

            I looked around at the boys, but the only one who seemed to know what it was was Harry. "People think me and Lou are dating. And if you put, Harry, and, erm, y'know, Louis together you get Harry. Same for...Erm...Tomlinson and Styles." He nodded, and I looked over at him, and bust out laughing. "That's so weird!" I exclaimed, and he just shrugged, looking down to where Niall was sitting on the floor.

            "It's like a bromance." Niall spoke up, and Liam chuckled. "So what would our names be combined?" Liam asked Niall, who just shrugged until Harry spoke up. "Niam Horayne." I raised my eyebrow at him, and he just shrugged. The rest of the interview was boring, as usual, so I just played with Harry's hair.

             "Alright, thanks to One Direction for visiting us." The interviewer talked to Niall, them bonding since they were both from Ireland, but Harry, Zayn, and I all walked backstage. "So, mates, what are we doing today?" Zayn asked, and I just shrugged. "I...erm...actually had something planned for Louis and I." Harry said, and I instantly pinched his cheeks. "Aww, Haz!" I waved to Zayn, telling him that I would call him later.

            Harry grabbed my hand, dragging me outside. It was starting to rain, and as soon as we got in the car he looked down, taking deep breaths. "Where are we going?" I asked, and he shook his head, tugging at his curls in frustration. "Harry?" He just sighed and said "It's a surprise." I loved surprises, so I just looked out the window and tried to figure out where he told the driver to take us.

            I sighed, leaning back in my seat once I realized I had no clue where we were going. "Is it a restaurant?" I asked, and he layed down, his head in my lap. His curls spread all across my legs as I looked down and laughed at him. He shook his head, popping his lips as he said 'Nope!"

             "Is it a movie? The zoo? A football field?" He just kept shaking his head. I was running out of ideas, so I just started teasing. "To the moon?" He pretended to think about it, before laughing. It was nice to see he was happy again, seems I had distracted him from the performance that's been on his mind.

              I heard the car stop, and Harry unrolled his window, only to see it was raining. His eyes went as wide as possible, and I shoved him. "Come on, Haz! I want to see the surprise!" He turned to look at me, his lip quivering a bit. He looked so young, I couldn't help but laugh. His face softened, and he laughed with me before rubbing his eyes.

              "I planned a picnic at the park but..." He gestured to the rain, and I thought about it. "Are we at Jasen Park?" He nodded. "Grab the basket, come on." I pulled the hood up on my pullover, and grabbed his hand as he grabbed the basket. I ran, dragging him to under the slide. He shivered a bit, so I sat closer to him.

               "See? As long as there is no thunder, this should be fun! You're the best best friend ever! Just don't tell Stan I said that." I chuckled, and he rolled his eyes and started to unpack the food. It all looked homemade. There was some kind of fruit salad, a creme pie, and tiny sandwiches. "You remembered!" Harry knew I loved mini-sandwiches so that I could eat more at once with more flavor and more crust, my favourite part.

                   He crinkled his nose. "Of course I remembered, Lou. I remember everything. I basically am your mother." I nodded. "Yes, Mommy Styles." He cvered his face, blushing in embarassment. "That's so damn kinky!" He yelled, and it was my turn to blush. "For the youngest in the band, you sure are filthy-minded!"

                We both sat, joking as we ate our lunch. It was nice, spending time with him. It was like a man-date. Two friends just hanging out, loving life and having the most fun we possibly could. I didn't even mind when he leaned his head on my shoulder after we ate, both of us just watching the rain falling from the sky.

                 "You should buy me some flowers." He blurted randomly, and I just looked down at him. "What?" He shrugged, our shoulders pressing together. "I've always wanted to be a punk rocker with flowers in my hair." I chuckled, rubbing his arms. "You're better then that." He raised his eyebrows. "You're Harry."

                  "I'm YOUR Harry, the best thing I could ever be." I laughed, but liked the sound of that. My Harry. My best friend. I was glad to have met him in the bathroom. He was fun to laugh with and he was always caring about my feelings.

                 Sometimes, it's as if Harry acts more like a girlfriend then a best friend. He cooks my dinner, he picks out my outfits sometimes, he irons and washes my clothes, and he makes sure to take care of me when I'm ill. He was definiely going to make some girl-err, boy- happy some day.

                   It was still a bit odd to think that Harry was interested in men. It didn't bother me, it was just a bit weird. I was careful to not let it affect our relationship. As long as he didn't start crushing on one of the other boys, or bringing home men, things would be fine. I chuckled, imagining Harry with a boy.

It was weird though, I couldn't imagine him holding anyone but me.



Hello my curlies.

Sorry for the short chapter! Don't worry, though. Things will get more eventful soon, since this is a short story after all. Check out my other Larry stories!


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