Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

                "Me!" I exclaimed, grabbing the bottle and spinning it quickly. All of the boys were dreading this, since it was obvious I already had an entire list of evil plans formulating in my head. It started slowing, and I hear Liam intake a breath. It slowly rolled past him though, onto Niall.

               "Truth or dare?" I asked, biting my lip to keep from laughing. "Dare!" He yelled, and Liam was about to tell him to say truth, but it was too late. "Go across the street to Simon's house and ask if he has any lube." All of the boys sat shocked, except Harry. "What's lube?" Liam went bright red when Harry questioned it, and Zayn leaned over. He whispered what it was to Harry, who quickly snickered.

                "You're the best. Here, come on Niall. I'll go with you." He stood up, and Niall groaned. "Please don't make me do this! He's our boss!" Louis shook his finger. "You only have one chicken, if you use it now just think of all the horrible things I can do to you later." Niall thought about it, before sighing and walking out the door with Harry.

                Zayn, Liam, and I all sat for a moment, before rushing to the couch, all of us peeking out the window. It was dark and pretty far, but we could see their figures. After a moment, Simon opened the door and we heard quiet talking. We couldn't make out what they were saying. It was almst ten minutes later when they came back.

             Niall held up the lube proudly before glaring at me. "He gave us some huge speech and now I think he thinks I'm fucking Harry." Harry chuckled, taking the botle of what appeared to be strawberry lube. I noticed him put it in his pocket, but I don't think anyone else noticed.

               Soon enough, Niall took the bottle, spinning it. "I hope it lands on you so I can torture you." I chuckled, and knew it wouldn't land on me. I was right. It landed on Liam. "Go easy on me. I pick dare though" We all cheered, proud he'd picked dare. Niall looked at me, and I knew he was going to use one of the dares I had used before. "I dare you to wash my toilet with your toothbrush then use it."

            Liam looked horrified, and Harry rubbed his back. Zayn glared at Niall, but we all knew that Liam wasn't going to back down. "I'm only not using my chicken because I know Louis will use it against me if I do." He went into the bathroom, Niall following him into the bathroom to make sure he did it.

            "Hey, Harry, how did Simon react?" I asked, and Harry shrugged. "He didn't...erm... seem to care. He just...uhh.. told us to be safe and use ...y'know..condoms because getting STD's would give us a bad name." I chuckled, laughing even harder when Liam walked in carrying a bottle of mouthwash and a cup to spit into. "YOU ARE DISGUSTING! NIALL NEVER CLEANS THE BATHROOM!"

                 We all teased him for a bit before he spun the bottle. I leaned forward, loving this game. I hope it landed on me. Sadly, it landed on Harry. "Truth." He said, and we all screamed simeltaneously "Wimp!" He just shrugged, looking down. Liam was easy, and he came up with bad dare anyways.

                "Name one celebrity you want to date." We all groaned. It wasn't some secret. We were all teenaged lads with hormones who crushed on celebrities. Niall liked Demi Lovato, Liam liked Leona Lewis. "Louis Tomlinson" Harry muttered. Liam shook his head. "That doesn't count!" Harry looked hurt, and just shrugged. "Uh. Erm. I guess...Taylor Swift." He sighed, and I rubbed his back.

               "I'd date you any day, Haz!" I made kissy faces at him, the boys laughing alone. Harry smiled a bit, and I could tell he was still upset. It didn't make any sense, but we didn't have time to worry about that. Harry spun the bottle, his large hands fumbling a bit so he had to re-spin it. It landed on Zayn.

              "I pick truth, mate. I'm a boring guy." We all laughed, remembering how we had dared Zayn to jump into the pool last time. How were we supposed to know he couldn't swim? Harry rubbed his chin, pretending to think. I whined. "Harry!" I whispered a truth into his ear, and Liam pushed my leg. "Cheaters!" He laughed.

                 "Okay, Zayn. If you had to kiss anybody in this room right now, on the lips, who would it be?" Liam and Niall and Zayn all looked uncomfortable, but me and Harry thought it wa a deliciously evil question. "Erm...We're all boys though. " I rolled my eyes. "It's just a question, Zayn. It's not like he dared you to fuck Niall." Niall screamed "Hey! Don't bring me into this!" Zayn rubbed his face.

                  "Fine. I'd kiss....Niall. " Me and Harry yelled "awwe!" And he just rolled his eyes. Niall elbowed him playfully, trying to make things less awkward. "It's cause I'm Irish." Zayn and Niall laughed, and soon enough Zayn spun the bottle. It landed on me, and I could feel all the evil thoughts he was having. I knew he was planning something bad, but he wasn't good at coming up with dares so I wasn't too worried. "Dare."

                 "I dare you to read a Larry Stylinson fan-flick thing!" He chuckled, obviously proud of himself. "What's a Larry Stylinson fan-flick?" I asked, confused. Harry spoke up, mumbling a bit though. He has been off all day. "Larry Stylinson is both of our names put together. People write books and pretend we're in love." He sounded sad.

                "That's so strange. Find me one and I'll read it." Harry pulled out his phone, without waiting for Zayn. He handed it to me, and he must have had it svaed onto his phone for some reason. That was really odd. "Do I have to read it out loud? This is quite crude." I said, as I skimmed over it.

"Harry looked into Louis' blue eyes, his heart racing. This was the boy he had loved since the X-factor. Harry had always known Louis was the one, but Louis was still in the closet. At least Harry got an hour every night in bed with him. 'you ready babe?' Harry asked, and timid Louis nodded. Harry straddled Louis, not bothering with lube. He started to- THE FUCK IS THIS?" I yelled, disgusted that people could even imagine us doing this.

                "We should go to bed." Harry mumbled, Liam nodded. "This is a good place to stop." I threw Harry's phone back at him, but he had his head buried into the sleeping bag. The other boys all cuddled into their own sleeping bags, and I stared at the ceiling.

                  Why would people write this stuff? Harry and I were both completely straight. I had a girlfriend until a month ago when Hannah and I had decided it was best for me to focus on my music career for now. I had liked her a lot, and I liked Harry a lot too. But in a different way. I liked girls, and I didn't understand why everyone assumed I was gay.

                 So, I liked musicals and suspenders. I was good at styling hair and i knew a lot about fashion. Just because I cared about my appearance doesn't make me gay. I was getting frustrated just thinking of it.

                 I walked over to Harry's sleeping bag, unzipping it and pushing myself next to him. It was a bit snug, but I just held onto him. "Louis?" He asked, and I just shushed him. I put my face in his neck. "We should go to sleep, Harry. I love you." He smiled, mumbling. "Love you too."

Harry would never judge me.



Hello my curlies! Updated again. Please comment since comments are ALWAYS appreciated!

Ceck out my other Larry stories as well and my Zayn Malik story.

What do you think so far?


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