Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Harrys POV*

                                  "Thanks Grimmy" I giggled a bit, snuggling into him as we sat on his couch. We were watching some movie, but I didn't pay attention. It was an action movie. I loved action movies, but I knew Louis liked romances so every time we would watch movies we'd watch some cheesy romantic comedy to make him happy.

                                     "Stop thinking about him again." He said, lifting my chin to look into his eyes. I let out a sigh. "I know...I know. He hurt me but....I guess I shouldn't have kissed him. I KNEW he liked girls but I did it anyways. I mean, damn. I just-" He cut off my rambling with a quick kiss. "Things will be fine. Remember what I said?" I nodded, sighing.

                                 "Don't stay heartbroken for too long." I buried my face into his chest, him rubbing my back. "I told you, you can stay here as long as you like. But you do need to try and get over him....He's straight, hun. There is nothing you can do about that, alright? It isn't about you, he was just born that way." I nodded, but couldn't help as a fresh sob escaped my lips.

                                  I have been crying non stop for the past couple days. I had messed everything up, all with one little kiss and a bit of groping. He had been cuddling me, and we've always been close. I just assumed he was gay, or bisexual at the least, and I had always thought he was in love with me but was too shy to say anything.

                                   That's why I did everything for him. I cleaned and i cooked. I would watch everything he wanted. I let him use the hot shower and I never once complained. Actually, I think in the entire time I've known him I haven't said one negative or rude thing to him or about him. I've always acted as if he was the perfect person, and damn it, he still is.

                                  I wanted to hate him. I wanted to be able to hate him and move out and to just feel absolutely nothing but negative things towards him, I couldn't. If he came through that door right now, i would fall to my knees in front of him and beg for him to forgive me. I'm that pathetic.

                                         "Do you want to go take a hot bath?" He asked, and I was about to say no until I realized I hadn't showered since the night before I....yeah. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Sure it won't be a bother?" He put his hand on his hip, something Louis did all the time, and showed me in to the bathroom. He showed me how to use the drain and the faucet, so I stripped down to nothing, looking at myself in the mirror.

                                    I didn't understand why Louis would react the way he did. He knew I was gay, he should have at least considered the possibility I could have a crush on him. He shouldn't have been as shocked as he was. I wasn't ugly, I wasn't too aggressive, I just couldn't wrap my head around how it all went so wrong, so fast.

                                     I slowly got into the tub, ignoring the burning pain. I haven't had a hot bath in so long. I got used to the cold showers because they made Louis happy. I would do anything to make Louis happy. Even what I was doing now was to make Louis happy. He could go on and live his life, and I would only bother him when we had to do shows or interviews. It would be hard, but i think I could pretend to be over him.

                                         "The soaps on the left!" Nick said, knocking on the door before walking away. I let out a sigh. If Nick hadn't saved me that night I was sitting outside crying, I think I would have gone insane. He had brought me to his house, letting me stay without even questioning what was wrong. He made me food and had even let me cry and ruin one of his shirts.

                                          He said that he knew how first love hurts, and how he would be here for a rebound. He said he wished he had someone who found him atractive right after his first breakup, because that was when he had felt the most disgusting. The feeling in his stomach that no one could ever love him again.

                                          I didn't think that would be true for me. I could date Caroline Flack, or Taylor Swift, both beautiful women who wanted to date me. I had millions of screaming girls who would be willing to date me. I could probably even find thousands of men who would be willing to date me. But I knew.

                                              I knew that I would never be able to love anyone as much as Louis. I could try, but I knew what I had with Louis was soul mates. But I guess once in a while, a soul mate gets put with somebody else's soul mate. Louis would go on and find a nice woman to marry, and I would have to smile and pretend to be happy.

                                                He would have kids, make Liam, Zayn, and NIall the god-parents. And I would still pretend to be happy. He could quit the band and go solo if he wanted and I'd be happy for him. He could shave all his hair off and get a million tattoos, and I would be sitting right there with a smile on his face. I will always pretend to be happy for him and whoever he chooses is better for him than I am.

If Louis is happy with another person, then so am I. But spare a thought for Harry, he's probably got a broken heart.



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