Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

                                        "No, get the fuck away." I was rushing down the street, angril out of the restaurant and heading in the direction of the nearest hotel. "Come on, Louis. Let us explain" Liam said, but I just kept walking, glad that I was more fit than the rest of them so I didn't need to stop to catch my breath. I kept going until Liam's hand grabbed my shoulder, turning my around.

                                         "I don't want to hear this! I thought we were supposed to be a band! Best mates! But apaprently you're all conspiricising against me and keeping secrets! This isn't something you just don't tell me about! My entire friendship is ruined and you guys could have prevented this!" I yelled, glaring at 3 of the four guys who I thought I could trust.

                                            "It isn't like he told us! It's just obvious!" Zayn yelled, and I stood up, straighter. Zayn wasn't one to yell, so I was a bit shocked. "It was not obvious." I put my hands on my hips, still having my eyes narrowed at all of them. I wasn't going to let this slide, but I suppose I did have to at least hear what they say.

                                            "You just know....Louis." Zayn said, quieter, and Niall stepped forward. "He just stares at you...All the time. Not in a creepy way, but it's like he's admiring you. And the few times when you guys were apart he would tell us all the things you did, like how happy you were he made you breakfast or cheesy shit like that...."

                                  Liam put a hand on Niall's shoulder before speaking. "He has huge goo-goo eyes for you, and we all know Harry's bi because he basically outed himself in every single interview." I crossed my arms, blushing. Ever since I found out he was bi, I realized how blatantly obvious it was if you just looked. "Niall, Zayn and I all thought you guys were secretly dating...That's why we would always cover for you when Larry Stylinson was brought up....We figured you two wanted it kept between you too."

                                    I gasped, before groaning. "Why does everyone just assume I'm gay! I had a girlfriend a few months ago whom I loved! What about her, huh?" They all looked down,shuffling their feet, which just was overly suspicious. "What about Hannah, huh? Did you forget that I LIKED GIRLS!?" I raised my voice a bit, clenching my fists.

                                   "We thought you broke up with her for Harry..." Zayn said, speaking up again. I turned and didn't see anything to punch, so I just groaned, kicking at the sidewalk. "I'm straight, and you know what I did last night? I had completely heterosexual sex with a beautiful girl with a hot body. So don't start this shit with me."

                             "Talking about me?" I turned around, and Eleanor was standing there wearing a nice outfit but she was carrying books. I stammered, embarassed. I felt bad about talking about her that way, but I just wanted the boys to shut up. "You had sex with Eleanor?" Liam said, tensing up. "El...I...." She held her hand up to stop Liam.

                                                "I told Andy already. He's still not asking me out, he better grow some balls soon or I'll be sleeping around more than with just Louis. But beside that, you guys leave him alone. He's obviously stressed and you're all upset and yelling isn't going to help anything. So you three-" She pointed to Zayn, Liam, and Niall "Go home or wherever it is you go. "And you come with me." She lead me down the street, leaving a shocked group of boys behind.

                                          "Thank you" I whispered once we got to the outside of her university, sitting and leaning against a tree. "Hey, I got to see the famous Louis Tomlinson naked, I should be thanking you." She winked, and we both laughed. I was starting to realize we had the same sense of humor. I knew I should feel something towards her- lust, crushing, admiration, anything- but I felt nothing more than pure friendship.

                                       "Why were they ganging up on you?" She asked, as she pulled out a granola bar and started eating it. "I...." I hesitated to tell her about it, since she could tell the media, but I realized she was with Andy who was Liam's best friend, so she probably wouldn't want to hurt any of them.

                                       "They think i'm gay with Harry..." I said, before diving into the whole story. Unlike with the boys, I told her every detail of the story. From how he had been like my housewife and mother, to him kissing me roughly. From the Red or Black performance all the way to him admitting he was bi.

                                          She nodded, and sat there, chewing her granola bar as she tried to process all that I had told her. I watched her face, looking for any sign of what she was thinking. I didn't see anything, no flicker of disgust but also no joy. After a few moments, she got up and threw her granola wrapper away before sitting back down.

                                        "You're gay." I pushed her, playfully, but she just looked serious. "You talk about him differently than you do the other boys. I mean, I don't know you that well and I'm not like an expert on sexuality, but my gaydar is off the raydar around you. Even last night, I thought something was off but it completely makes sense now."

                                    I stood up, wiping my hands off on my pants. "Thanks, but you're wrong. Sorry for wasting your time, I'm sure you have class and everything." She tried to grab my hand to get me to stay, but I just waved and headed off. I fixed my hair, and I just wanted to be left alone. I closed my eyes, taking a breath.

                              I couldn't go to a hotel without telling the security guards. I sighed, trying to decide which boy to stay with. I decided, and headed in that direction. Tonight was going to be stressful, especially considering we had a short radio interview where I would be forced to see Harry. Sighing, I closed my eyes before I started jogging.

I wish I could have prepared myself for one of the worst nights of my life.


Hello my curlies!

So, sorry about this crappy chapter, what do you think?


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