What is Love?

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What is love? 

Is it to adore someone, take care of, cherish, and be willing to lay down your own life for another, to do anything for another, or is it all the above and more? 

"Love is an intense feeling of deep affection." 

To me love is to ignore someone, to hurt, to hit, to glare at, to scream at, love is a deep resentment for someone. 

To me, this is love. 

Those who claim to love me have only hurt me, and those who have hurt me I feel the most loved from—disguising true intent with the word love but disguising real love with ignorance.

 Why do we stay away from what we genuinely love, and why does what we truly love stay away from us? 

It's because love is not what gives us happiness but pain. 

All real pain is rooted in what we once loved. 

So why do we desire something that causes us pain? 

Are we all secretly masochists at heart? 

No, but love is a sadistic verb that at first gives our hearts pleasure, only to weaken the skin around it and rip it out of our chest, with a smile on its face. 

But love is what we all seek in a career path, place, or person. 

But to seek love is to seek pain. 

So instead, I've given life a new meaning. 

Instead of seeking love, I seek contempt. 

As long as I am in contempt with something or someone, I don't get attached or fall in love. 

I won't get hurt because love is to fall, and to fall is to endure pain. 

So what is love, I ask you? 

Love, love is pain. 


Hello everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed it!

Kisses to my bitches💋😘💕

285 words

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