23:Stronger Than Normal Ones.

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                                                               Stronger than normal ones.

Elrid blinked his eyes open, ebony pupils widening when he noticed where he was. fuck!!! he cursed at his transparent form. I really didn't need this right now.

Sometimes Elrid hated his gift. No, not being a medium; but his astral projection. When Harrison learned that his apprentice had the power to project his spirit, he was stunned; apparently medium who have astral projection as a gift is needle in a hay stack. Lucky me! And since he has clairvoyance and precognition and clairsentience his mentor didn't expect another gift from him. Because almost every medium has only one or two gifts. And then there Elrid is; with his four gifts. Surprise, mothafakka.

It was all fun and dandy, until he unconsciously slipped into astral or spiritual realm. Then it was a clusterfuck. But as someone wise said; everyone should learn from their mistakes and failures. Which resulted in another two years of Harrison's mentally and physically exhausting training.

Sighing at his transparent form, he glanced at the looming forest. Even if he bitch and moan about his mentor's cruel training, he knows Harrison is the only reason he is standing here.

Years of practices led him to control his accidental projection. That doesn't mean he wasn't prone to any types of accidental projections though. He should've expected something like this would happen after his mentally exhausting day. Overwhelming emotions- especially negative ones- and exhaustion always triggers these accidental walking. Considering how he was mentally beating his pathetic self just before he blacked out on his bed, Elrid must say he was lucky. Kinda. At least I'm not in astral realm, it would've sucked.

He looked over the fence.

The moon was lit, the hoary glow of its slithering through the canopy of woods like shattered silver shards. The air around him was rigid and cold; smelling of moist and mud. It felt heavy, thick with emotions. Guilt. Vengeance. Remorse. Anger. Elrid can feel it seeping through his pours, trying to take a hold of him. he shook it off, taking some deep breath to control his wavering emotion. Ugh, Elrid shuddered. He hated that feeling. It always made him feels like he was someone else.

Turning, he glanced at his dimly lit room, he knows his physical body was there. On his bed, sleeping like nothing is happening. and nothing is happening; he knows. but Miles wasn't there. His ghost buddy was busy all through the week with all his babysitting duty and his usual rendezvouses.

Usually, Miles or Harrison were the ones who protected his body from other spirits and entity whenever he spirit-walked. Considering his physical body will become a beacon to other souls who wander around the realm without a physical body, the threat is a given. They can attack his soul or downright possess his physical body. So yes, protection is a must. Since neither of them are here, Elrid doesn't know what to do. Should I return to my body?? He looked over at his house. Should I warn them? say I'm going for a walk. the boy doesn't know what to do.

But before he can think of something, suddenly there was a shift in the air.

All of sudden, the forest looks like it was snuffed out of its life sources. Huh??? Elrid looked at the midnight sky. The full moon was blooming spreading its silvery glow all around it. But the forest looked like it was shadowed by something. What in the hell??

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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