05:Not The Kid.

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  Caleb Murphy on above....    

I don't know his name, but he is fine...   and ignore the tattoos, he doesn't have any in this story. And his eyes are kinda grey, not brown.

                                                     Not The Kid

Caleb looks at the house, his stormy eyes squinting as he had a once over at the house. There was something odd about the house or place or the people inside them, he was not sure. But there was something about it that stirred his wolf. Ares was restless, pacing through the wall of his mind.

He again looks at the house; where, Zander talked with somebody, from the voice he can hear, he assumed it was Jaemin, the owner of that house. Caleb remembers this house as one of his former warrior's house, who lost his parents on a rogue attack and moved out of the pack after she found her mate in another pack. The house was a two-story building with an off-white color on the outer walls. One side of the wall was covered by some climbing plants; small purplish flowers swaying as chilly wind whistled past them. The brown colored fence was freshly colored, some paint drops splattered around the newly trimmed grass. The house was taken care of, Caleb can see it clearly, since he drove past through that street so many times that he can memorize how the white color of fence was chipped off from the bars just two weeks before.

"Get out of the car....". Ares said, a growl etched to his sentence. Like he was controlling himself from launching at that house.

"Why??" Caleb enquires, even though he too wanted to do just that.

"I feel something.... like someone.... I just want to check....". the wolf ended his sentence with another growl, his glowing eyes narrowing on the old house; where he can get whiff of something.... someone, with a scent so fresh, so sweet and so alluring. He scratched in his mind, deep reverberating growls echoing from his chest as he paced through Caleb's mind.

It was then Caleb noticed it, it was like his mind had shut down on the hints after disappointed for so long. But he too can smell it, something fresh...like forest or pines? He is not sure, as the scent was intertwined with the freshly bloomed scent of freesias and some other flowers- which the Forest family grew on their front yard. Ha, suits their family name.

"Is it mate?? Wait don't tell me it's the kid.... she's ducking nine-year-old Ares.... that's sick". Caleb whisper yelled, his face scrunching up in disgust.

"What the fuck.... No, it's not the kid....". Ares growled, feeling like his human counterpart was mocking at a moment like this. A moment they were so eagerly waiting for. If he could, he would've decked him right now.

"Oh Goddess, is it mother??". He exclaims, his sun kissed skin losing even more color as his blood drained from his head at the mere thought of mated to a woman; a woman with two kids- with one who is his brother's age. Is it why I couldn't find her all these years???

"Well, I don't know.... if it's the mother, then we can just kill her husband....". Ares huffs, his hackles raising at the single thought of their mate living and loving with someone who are not them.

"You can't kill a human......at least without a valid reason....". Caleb grumbles, his face twisting again as he looked at the looming house.

"Being with our ma- ". Before Ares can continues his reason for killing Jaemin, Caleb cut him out with his own growl.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚊 & 𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙼𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚞𝚖 (𝚋𝚡𝚋)Where stories live. Discover now