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          Zander Knight on top......               

                                                   Human? No, Wolf

Elrid's heart was still a fluttering mess when he entered his attic room. The curtain was still closed, making the room even more darker than usual, as he tumbled towards his bed-falling face down on his soft bed. His pale cheeks still held that rosy hue, which made its presence known when moment he heard that man comment about how he wanted to bite his cheeks.

He was sitting with Esa-helping her with her math's homework- when the bird on his walls cried out softly in a rhythmic tune; indicating someone was there at the door. Before he can stand, his dad was there, opening the door and talking with whoever was outside. After a moment he heard the door closing, then there were footsteps; more than one.

Just as Elrid and Esa stood up from where they sat at the living room, Sylvia too came from her room with a frown on her face, he knew that whoever the guest was clearly not a guest-since his mom doesn't know who came.

"Who is that??". Sylvia questions, her eyes glancing towards her son, which earned a shrug from both of her saplings.

"a handsome man....". Miles sang, his body fleeting as he slides through the shelves and couches like a skater-without a skate. Thank God, ghosts can't touch things; Elrid mutters as he watches how Miles tried to jump through their dining table and literally smashed his head first into Sylvia's one vase with fake purple flowers-which cost a hefty amount.

Sylvia's question was answered as a voice boomed around the living room.

"Sorry to intrude on your evening. But I just wanted to see the new people in our town.". the new character was a young man; aged between twenty and twenty-five, Elrid isn't sure though, as he sucks at guessing one's age; even if they're a kid. He noticed how that man's eyes swiped over his family and lingering on him for just a minute longer.

It was fast... too fast to be noticed by his mom and dad. But as a medium, it was among his profession to be cautious, observant and to sense everything and anything around him. After several years of practicing, it was intertwined with his senses. So, he noticed, even though it was just for a fleeting second, he noticed how the man's face slightly darkened and eye twitched along with his nose- like he smelled something nasty, just as he looked over him.

And he noticed how he said sorry, like he wasn't sorry at all, like they're the ones who are intruding their town and they should feel sorry about it. There was also this arrogance and pride as he said 'our town', like he owned it or something. He's not sure why that thought suddenly stumbled on his mind tho. Maybe, it was because of that man's aura of power and arrogance, which was etched to his core or that suspicious look glinting around his sharp hazel eyes behind that professional smile he threw at his family. And there was his aura, red aura.... an aura that screamed power. Which demanded submission and obedience. He walked with purpose, Elrid noticed.

"And you are...??". Sylvia smiles, it was genuine but it was still somewhat guarded; Zander could tell.

"I'm Zander Knight....". suddenly, that statue from his dream, which he had a month ago flashed across his mind. A dream about the founder of River falls; Christopher Knight. It was then Zander caught Elrid's full attention.

Miles whistled as he leaned towards the arm of the couch, his lips stretched so wide, that Elrid thought that his cheeks are gonna rip apart.

"that's a fine specimen right there....". lickings his lips Miles says with sultry tone, his eyes raking over Zander's hulking form, who's was now talking with Jaemin and Sylvia about the town and people. And his parents- well mostly his mom gushing about how perfect was this house and area for them. All the while, Miles continues to comment about Zander. Elrid wanted to snap at Miles to shut up; he knew he can't as it'll ruin his disguise as a normal boy-so, he just pressed his lips tight and endured Miles thirsty comments. He didn't know a ghost too can be horny until he met Miles. I'm gonna kick him out when that hunk is gone.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚊 & 𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙼𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚞𝚖 (𝚋𝚡𝚋)Where stories live. Discover now